TRUMP NEEDS TO SEND HER MORE (AND TRUSTWORTHY) STAFF: The Horror! A Libertarian Feminist in the Education Department.
The Left knows how true that adage “personnel is policy” is, particularly when it involves a federal agency they have long regarded as “theirs.” Therefore, the tantrum over Candice Jackson’s appointment to a top post in the Education Department is wholly predictable. Jackson, you see, describes herself as a libertarian feminist. She has long worked for Judicial Watch, that scourge of corrupt and overly expansive government under Democrats and Republicans alike. She has written for such anti-leftist organizations as the Ludwig von Mises Institute, Independent Institute, and Reason magazine. Perhaps most unforgivable of all, she wrote a book on the women victimized by the Clinton attack machine. She is as un-P.C. as anyone you could find for the Department of Education. Naturally, leftist groups have their knives drawn against her.
If you’re going to change things, you have to back up your people. Trump should know that, though the Mark Green withdrawal makes me wonder. More here.