NEW FRONTIERS IN FAKE NEWS: Study finding: “39% of responding institutions reported a decline in international applications, 35% reported an increase, and 26% reported no change in applicant numbers.”

New York Times report: “Amid ‘Trump Effect’ Fear, 40% of Colleges See Dip in Foreign Applicants.”

Related: NY Times Publishes, Then Retracts, Fake News. “A prominent theme is that Republicans don’t care about truth. . . . So it must have been embarrassing when, this morning, the Times had to admit that Bazelon’s article included an important piece of fake news. . . . Bazelon’s fake news has been seamlessly airbrushed away, in a paragraph that begins by accusing the Trump administration of being ‘starkly at odds with reality.'”

Hey, says the NYT, that’s our job!