Let’s make a few important points here:

These are allegations, and Camryn Zelinger is to be presumed innocent unless and until she is convicted in a court of law; however,

Feminists never extend this presumption of innocence to any male college student accused of sexual misconduct;

We do not know whether Camryn Zelinger is lesbian or bisexual, and this allegation that she molested a 14-year-old girl cannot be used to generalize about about gay teachers as potential predators; however,

Feminists routinely exploit stories about rape to make negative generalizations about heterosexual men as dangerous predators; and therefore

No feminist will ever take notice of news reports about allegations of predatory sexual behavior by women, especially when teenage girls are molested by female teachers.

Feminism succeeds because so many journalists go along with this ideologically imposed double standard, where sex crimes committed by men are accepted as evidence of “rape culture,” but no one is permitted to make inferences from the crimes of female sex offenders.

And that’s why I run this series.