A FALSE SENSE OF ABUNDANCE: “What is confusing is the words people are using all denote a fear of a shortage of good men. But if you look at the attitude that accompanies these missives, you will see that the overwhelming sentiment is one of abundance, of being in a position to nitpick, and select the very cream of the crop.”
Well. If you want one of the top 5% of men, you should probably be one of the top 5% of women. The odds that you in fact are one of those women are 1 in 20. If, as a woman, you have high expectations for men, ask yourself: What do I bring to the table that would attract such a man? And the reverse is true for men, too, of course, but I think men engage in less self-delusion here.
Related: Men aren’t irrelevant @glamourmag. Who drove the delivery trucks? Those are low-status men, unsuitable as marriage partners and hence beneath notice.