JOHN KERRY LEAVING WITH A BANG, BUT NOT THE GOOD KIND OF BANG: Adriana Cohen: Look in the mirror Mr. Secretary.
Secretary of State John Kerry wants us to believe that Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu poses the greatest threat to Middle East peace and to a two-state solution — the dream of democratic Jewish and Palestinian states living peacefully side by side.
But it is Kerry himself, with his irresponsible public attack on Israel — on the heels of last week’s cowardly U.S. abstention from the vote on a U.N. Security Council resolution condemning Israel — who poses the greatest threat to peace.
The fact is, the Palestinians have only ever had a one-state solution, and it isn’t a democratic one. It involves Arab Palestinians overrunning Israel, driving out or killing all Jews. It’s what they teach their children. They talk about it openly. They work toward it diligently with suicide bombs, missile attacks and even knives. They refuse to even acknowledge Israel’s right to exist.
Kerry’s speech was meant to chide Israel. But its effect will be to embolden Palestinian terrorists, Hezbollah, Iran and even the Islamic State, all no doubt delighted to see this rift between the nation they like to call the Great Satan and the hated Zionists.
Kerry is blaming the victim at a time when anti-Semitism is dangerously escalating around the world.
You tend to think of Kerry as an amusingly goofy bumbler, but he’s actually dangerous.
Related: Howie Carr: Time for Gigolo John Kerry to dance off the stage.
To think that the Democrats nearly managed to make this guy President.
How bad are things? This bad: Schumer says Kerry may have “emboldened extremists” in his speech. But remember, bad as Kerry is, he’s quite clearly following Obama’s policy.
UPDATE: Peter Wehner: Obama’s Squalid Attack on Israel. Good thing we’ve got Trump coming in, right Peter?