THE DEMOCRATS HAVE LEARNED NOTHING AND FORGOTTEN NOTHING: Clinton Basically Admits She Learned Nothing From Losing to Trump.

Clinton chose to issue a call to action against the “epidemic of malicious fake news and false propaganda that flooded social media over the past year.” Fake news is an issue, but Clinton’s rhetoric fails to acknowledge her part in propagating it.

Her campaign had Super PACs run by David Brock spreading disinformation on the internet. One of these is Blue Nation Review, which was was included, among other Clinton propaganda sites, as part of the problem on various lists identifying untrustworthy sites. Brock’s Super PAC Correct the Record, spent at least $1 million to create fake social media profiles to “correct” criticisms about Clinton online. WikiLeaks-released emails from the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and Clinton campaign chair John Podesta show the Clinton campaign was manufacturing favorable news coverage through a vast network of friendly journalists in nearly every mainstream media outlet.

Where was Clinton’s outrage over fake news and propaganda when the Bernie Bros myth was being propagated to portray Bernie Sanders and his supporters as sexist white males? Why didn’t Clinton disavow Brock’s alarming disinformation tactics? Where was Clinton’s outrage when DNC vice chair Donna Brazile overtly helped the Clinton campaign cheat by providing them with questions in advance of debates, undermining the integrity of the debates?

Clinton’s “call to action” against fake news is a facade to rebuild her image, and a continuation of the trend she has exercised throughout her career in refusing to take actual stances on issues unless they serve her political agenda. . . .

This trend of prioritizing political expediency over reacting on principle to support the working and middle class on important issues has been a significant contributor to the decline of the Democratic Party that remains in denial over how far it has fallen. President Obama presided over the worst collapse of House and state house seats in U.S. history. Clinton’s election loss to Trump isn’t some anomaly that can be attributed to fake news, Russia, sexism, Sanders, third parties or the variety of other scapegoats the Democratic Party establishment has used to avoid accountability for its mistakes.
