NO. NEXT QUESTION? Did Democrats Learn Anything From Their Attack on the Filibuster? “One of the reasons we value tradition, norms and process is that we don’t know what the future holds. But, you’ll note, these Democrats don’t regret their vote for majoritarianism or power grabs. They regret that Trump (and it would be the same for Mitt Romney or any moderate Republican, for that matter) will now be able to operate under the rules they set for themselves.”

But I think the GOP has learned that there’s no point retaining it in the hope that Dems will return the courtesy when they’re in the majority. Harry Reid’s crossing of the nuclear threshold has put paid to that.

Plus: “Although each party detests the filibuster when it is in power, progressives hold an enduring contempt for it because they hold an enduring contempt for federalism in general. Even today, some liberals are trying to figure out ways to work Senate procedure to put Chief Judge Merrick Garland on the Supreme Court. As if Republicans wouldn’t then simply turn around and load the court themselves. This kind of arms race sets dangerous precedents. It’d be nice if the nation realized it.”

A successful ruling class needs self-discipline and an ability to think long-term. Ours lacks both.