CULTURE OF CORRUPTION: Another adviser to NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo resigns amid bid-fixing scandal. “How many more of these dominoes need to fall before the highest level of Democrat controlled New York State government is definitively wrapped up in the ongoing corruption investigations? This saga has been dragging out since last year, with US Attorney Preet Bharara saying this summer that it definitely looked like there is corruption in the executive branch. For his part, Governor Andrew Cuomo was unusually frank when he responded by saying that it’s unrealistic to expect that there wouldn’t be any corruption in an organization this size. His words seem to have been proven true yet again this week as another top adviser to the Governor was forced to resign amid growing stories of corruption involving billions of dollars in taxpayer funds. . . . Governor Cuomo is the son of another New York Governor (Mario) and brother of CNN anchor Chris Cuomo. (That’s a convenient relationship if I’ve ever seen one.) The Cuomo dynasty is legendary in Empire State politics and not always for their positive contributions. Cuomo was the State Attorney General before moving into the Governor’s mansion and it’s long been known that he had visions of running for President. It’s difficult to imagine that now with one scandal after another embroiling his office. At this rate he’ll be lucky to avoid going on trial before he next runs for reelection in 2018. But let’s remember that this is New York and the Democratic Party pretty much owns the capitol lock, stock and two smoking barrels. The sad thing is that he’ll probably win if he’s not in jail.”

And maybe even then!