“POLITICAL CORRECTNESS KIND OF CUTS US OFF AT THE KNEES AND DOESN’T ALLOW US TO BE OUR AUTHENTIC SELVES,” says Rain Pryor, daughter of Richard Pryor, in a brand new FIRE exclusive interview with the daughters of comedy godfathers Pryor, George Carlin and Lenny Bruce. Check out the podcast here or the video below.
And don’t forget that if you are in New York City or Los Angeles between this Friday, July 29 and August 4, you can see the new movie about comedy and free speech, Can We Take a Joke?, on the big screen. You can also see it with a beer at Arlington Cinema & Drafthouse just outside of Washington, D.C. This is before it will be released all over the country on August 2 via iTunes, Google Play, Amazon and virtually every cable company in the U.S. and Canada.