THOUSANDS ARE WAITING FOR PUBIC HOUSING BUT HUD WORKER GETS TWO APARTMENTS IN NO TIME: Luke Rosiak of the Daily Caller News Foundation Investigative Group strikes HUD again! Seems a HUD employee was able to rent two subsidized apartments by somehow leaping ahead of the hundreds of thousands of poor people waiting for public housing units to become available.

The employee lived in the Alexandria, VA., apartment and sublet the apartment in the nation’s capital to her sister who used it, among other things, to park her Lexus SUV. Housing authorities in both cities knew about the arrangement, yet did nothing. When the HUD Inspector General discovered the deal, HUD managers initially promised “severe discipline” for their misbehaving colleague.

Can you guess what comes next?

“But instead of being severely disciplined, Mathis was hastily promoted to a position in charge of giving out millions of tax dollars in federal grants,” Rosiak reports. So a HUD employee steps on poor people who need places to live and gets a promotion to give away millions of tax dollars instead of being fired. What’s wrong with this picture???