THIS IS BEING SPUN AS PROOF OF HOW MANY PEOPLE ARE KILLED BY GUNS, WHEN IT’S REALLY A SIGN OF HOW FEW ARE KILLED BY CARS NOW: Good News, Americans! Cars Are Now Killing as Few People as Guns! “I cannot imagine why people’s trust in the media is so low. Christopher Ingraham, in writing the piece that goes along with graph, is at least not oblivious to what the numbers actually mean, despite the deliberately misleading headline.”
Plus: “Two out of every three gun death is actually a suicide. So actually, if that ‘gun violence’ line only counted violence against others, it would plunge down as well. And then the two lines wouldn’t even be converging. So the whole chart itself is a bit questionable. But despite what the numbers actually mean, the gun control obsession is whatever Democrats decide this time counts as an ‘assault weapon.'”