JONAH GOLDBERG: What Proof Is Obama Waiting For? “As has been noted many, many, times — because it’s happened many, many, times — the president hates conceding the obvious when it comes to terrorism. At this point, it’s clear this is a deliberate strategy. By denying or delaying recognition of terror attacks and the terror threat he thinks he can ride out the news cycle and American attention spans and switch to another topic, say, gun control or climate change. One can’t deny that it’s worked for him. It just doesn’t speak well of him.” Nope.

UPDATE: President Weak Horse.

I see the proposal to try to keep guns out of the hands of “dangerous people,” but what’s the proposal for keeping the ideas that make them dangerous out of their heads? We “need to work together to prevent people from falling victim to these hateful ideologies,” but what does this work consist of and how on earth could we do it “together”?

And what’s with the passivity — the idea that these murderers “were radicalized” and that people “fall victim” to the ideologies they come to believe? It almost sounds as though Obama invites us to empathize with the terrorists, to see them as victims of their own thinking processes. A more Obama-friendly way to put that is to say that our focus should be on the larger enterprise that is winning converts. And yet it doesn’t seem aimed at that larger enterprise, because he says “need to work together to prevent people from falling victim,” as if he’s envisioning us reaching out to the potential terrorists among us, enfolding them in neighborly love.

Obama won’t even show love to Republicans.