ALAN MELTZER: The GOP’s Tea Party Problem. “The conflict between the values championed by the Freedom Caucus and those promoted by the more moderate wing of the party will remain because it reflects fundamental differences in voter attitudes and beliefs. The Tea Party branch of the GOP wants more freedom, less regulation, lower taxes, and a decentralized federal government. The Republican establishment prioritizes finding areas of agreement with the Democrats that result in legislation. The problem of finding a Speaker to lead the House of Representatives raised divisions within the Republican caucus because members defended the interests they were elected to serve. . . . The members of the Freedom Caucus represent frustrated, angry constituents. In 2010, voters sent enough new representatives to Congress to give Republicans control of the House. That failed to stop the President, so in 2014 the voters gave Republicans control of both houses. The Republican majority in the House reached a share not seen since 1927. Although some reforms were made, the major Obama programs, like the unpopular Affordable Care Act remained. At the same time, wages did not increase much, and economic growth remained slow. Instead of reducing regulations, restoring freedom, and increasing economic growth, Congress did not prevent the administration from piling new regulations on top of old ones.”