JOHN HARWOOD IS MERELY THE WORST: A recent history of Presidential Debate moderators:

In 2004, the CPD moderators were Jim Lehrer of PBS, Bob Schieffer of CBS and Charlie Gibson of ABC while Gwen Ifill of PBS moderated the Vice Presidential debate.

In 2008, the CPD moderators were Jim Lehrer of PBS, Bob Schieffer of CBS and Tom Brokaw of NBC while PBS’s Gwen Ifill moderated the Vice Presidential debate.

In 2012, the CPD moderators were Jim Lehrer of PBS, Bob Schieffer of CBS and Candy Crowley of CNN while Martha Raddatz of ABC moderated the Vice Presidential debate.

If you haven’t detected a pattern yet, here’s hoping you don’t drive. Of the 12 moderators, none has had a thought from a conservative standpoint. Honestly, it wouldn’t be surprising to find out that none had ever voted for a Republican in their lifetime.

Message to the GOP: You don’t have to put up with this, so don’t.