THIS SEEMS LIKE DUBIOUS FINANCIAL ADVICE:If You Have Savings In Your 20s, You’re Doing Something Wrong.

I don’t have any savings, but I also don’t have any wants.

I don’t know about you, but I like to enjoy my life. I like to go out to eat, buy clothes I don’t “need” and spend money with friends on memorable nights out.

This goes back to a piece of advice a very successful friend gave me: “Don’t save money. Make more money,” he nonchalantly stated, pushing me into a taxi.

Unlike most things people tell me, this advice did not go in one ear and out the other; it stayed with me and changed the way I look at everything from my career to my savings.

I suppose that there are some 20-somethings who may need to relax and live a little. I don’t think there are all that many, compared with the number who need to handle their money more prudently.