A MAJOR BRANDING FAIL: Xignite Picks Brutal Founder Of Firing Squads And Labor Camps As Icon Of New API Ecosystem.
Earlier today, Xignite announced the co-launch of a fintech API ecosystem, claiming it to be a “revolution” for the financial tech industry. No doubt in search of an iconic revolutionary figure to be emblematic of the new ecosystem, Xignite selected Ernesto Che Guevera. Pictured above with a Xignite logo super-imposed over his beret, Guevara was widely regarded as Fidel Castro’s right-hand man and a key figure in the overthrow of Cuba’s Batista-led government in the 1959. The image of Guevara appears on both the press release as well as a Web page on Xignite’s Web site. The only problem is that Guevara is also known as a brutal murderer who also founded Cuba’s firing squads and labor camps. . . .
The complete list of founders includes Xignite, Advisor Software, ChartIQ, Insight360, PlanWise, QuantConnect, Autochartist.com, EdgeLab, Estimize, Nasdaq, PsychSignal, StockTwits, TopRanks, vetr, Yodlee, SR Labs, Streamdata.io, Tradier, Level39 and ValueStream.
Che was a virulent racist and a homophobe, too.