TED CRUZ: Chattanooga Shooting Shows Need for Immigration Overhaul, Arming Military on Bases.

“We need to see with clarity what has happened,” Cruz said. “We can immediately call for Congressional hearings on the need for our enlisted men and women to have the right to be armed in military facilities.” What’s more, Cruz said, the shooting illustrated the need to tighten immigration laws. According to CNN, Abdulazeez was born in Kuwait and had citizenship in Jordan, but had become a naturalized U.S. citizen. In response, Cruz said, Congress should “pass the Expatriate Terrorist Act that would allow our government to stop Americans who travel overseas to train with terrorist groups from coming back to attack us at home. We can thoroughly overhaul our broken immigration system that is allowing this type of individual to gain citizenship.”

Related: Rand Paul on Tennessee Terror: Restrict Immigration from Muslim Nations.