PUNCH BACK TWICE AS HARD: Wesleyan student: My college discriminates against fraternities. We’re suing.
Their arguments attempt to portray fraternities, including the DKE house where I live, as bastions of ‘white male privilege.’
Not only is this an unproductive and unfair ad hominem attack, it is entirely inaccurate: two-thirds of our organization is on financial aid (compared to less than half of the campus as a whole) and 12 percent is African-American (as opposed to 7 percent of the entire campus). . . . At first, it was suggested that fraternities promote sexual assault. Yet the university’s own safety report states that 13 out of 15 forced sexual assaults in 2013 occurred in the university’s own co-ed dorms.
University administrators tend to be totalitarians by inclination, and their biggest objection to fraternities probably isn’t even that they are associated with Evil White Males, but rather that they are alternative power centers, and university administrators don’t want any alternative power centers.