UM: CNBC bubble madness! ‘Advice’ to consumers: take out seven-year car loan, invest down payment in stocks instead.

Think stocks haven’t gone high enough? Then you perhaps you should consider becoming one of the dwindling number of regular CNBC viewers, the network that’s never met a bubble it thought it couldn’t pump just a little bit more (and there’s a political component- see below).

Flying in the face of NBC’s frenzied buying panic push is a new warning from billionaire Mark Cuban: he sees the current situation as “worse than the tech bubble of 2000.”

That’s why yesterday’s segment imploring consumers to take out seven-year auto loans instead of a more typical duration and use the down payment to instead buy stocks seems especially brazen. Are there enough suckers willing to take this “advice”?

Well, we’ll know that there aren’t when the market starts to plunge.