WHAT WITH THE SNOW AND VARIOUS CRISES AT HOME, BY THE TIME I HEARD OF THIS IT WAS OVER: ‘De-Tenure’ Do-Over. I suspect that the assault on tenure, however, is only beginning to gather steam. Personally, I’ve felt a lot freer to speak and write about what I believe than I would without tenure, though that doesn’t answer the question of whether tenure is, on balance, for good or ill.
Plus, from the comments: “The only thing he left off of his “6 point plan” is something like, ‘review and restructure bloated administrative structures including but not limited to excessive numbers of assistant, associate, and deputy deans, restore transparency to governance and involve community in decisions.’ Administration always skates in these things. They never admit they are part of the problem.”
Yes. Administrative bloat is the biggest driver of higher costs in higher education; shockingly, administrators don’t want to deal with that.