NOW THAT’S JUST SAD: You Had One Job, Lenovo: And it didn’t involve sneaking malicious adware onto your customers’ computers. “When Lenovo preinstalled Superfish adware on its laptops, it betrayed its customers and sold out their security. It did it for no good reason, and it may not even have known what it was doing. I’m not sure which is scarier. The various news reports of this catastrophe don’t quite convey the sheer horror and disbelief with which any technically minded person is now reacting to Lenovo’s screw-up. Security researcher Marc Rogers wrote that it’s ‘quite possibly the single worst thing I have seen a manufacturer do to its customer base. … I cannot overstate how evil this is.’ He’s right. The Lenovo Superfish security hole is really, really bad.”
Silly Lenovo. They’re not supposed to put annoying commercial adware on their computers. They’re supposed to install undetectable Chinese government spyware on their computers.