Archive for 2023


OPEN THREAD: Just do it.

EVERYTHING IS STUPID: A Nobel Physicist Explained How to Cook Pasta And Now Everybody’s Angry. “Professor Giorgio Parisi – who won the 2021 physics Nobel for “the discovery of the interplay of disorder and fluctuations in physical systems from atomic to planetary scales” – suggested that turning off the heat midway through cooking pasta, then covering with a lid and waiting for the residual heat in the water to finish the job, can help reduce the cost of cooking pasta. In response, Michelin-starred chef Antonello Colonna claimed this method makes the pasta rubbery, and that it could never be served in a high-quality restaurant such as his own.”

The best way to reduce the cost of cooking pasta? Cheap energy, which is readily available in the absence of government interference.

HMM: Mercedes Launches Its Own High-Speed Charging Network for EVs. “Owners of other brands of electric vehicles can use the stations too, with 10,000 coming to North America, Europe, and China by decade’s end, in a venture shared with ChargePoint and MN8 Energy.”

I wish they’d build some power plants, too.

FLORIDA MAN FRIDAY: A Dominatrix Walks Into a City Council Meeting… “This week we have the happy ending that wasn’t, equal spankings for all, and the cutest dog that ever got to go to a Miami Heat game.”