Archive for 2022

KRUISER’S MORNING BRIEFING: Joe Biden Admits That He’s Not a Fan of Joe Biden. “There is so much to not like about Joe Biden that it’s difficult to narrow down his worst traits. I’m gonna give it a whirl here though.”

COLORADO: Democrats move to make housing more expensive. “This year’s edition, House Bill 22-1362 involves forcing local governments to adopt expensive ‘green’ housing codes, significantly raising the cost of new houses, especially new single-family housing. This will be fine for the laptop class who can afford the extra costs right now, but it will drive the dream of home-ownership over the horizon for many more.”

OKAY, I KNOW THIS WILL SOUND WEIRD:   Attack Of The Gell-Man Effect.

Because he’s talking about my post. But a) it’s very gratifying to be listened to. b) well…. read it for the zebras. That’s all.



Things got pretty weird, pretty quickly in the wake of Elon Musk’s trial balloon about buying Twitter, a deal that went through Monday, much to the chagrin of the progressive chattering class who were super duper certain the Tesla and SpaceX boy genius was just foolin’ for fun.

Poor NPR, for example, forced to aggregate what Musk might actually do with his new toy (and, to be fair, they pulled from his own public statements), characterizes the sale this way:

“[T]he world’s richest person who has a penchant for theatrics and erratic behavior is about to have the power to reshape discourse on a social network used by more than 200 million people every day.”

They’re not handling it very well.

Hence, the new federally-run truth commission, brought to you courtesy of Homeland Security.

The Biden administration and progressive activists (including former President Obama) sprang into action following Monday’s announcement and — quite literally — began the process of defining disinformation and calling for its regulation to make sure bad speech was addressed and eliminated from the collective safe space.

At the NRO Corner, Jim Geraghty compares the DHS “Disinformation Governance Board” to Obama’s stillborn “Attack Watch” Media Matters clone from 2011. A name that I cannot read without flashing back to the viral video from Misfit Politics mocking it with a sneering “Attaaaaccccckkkkk Waaaaaaaaaaaaaatch:”

UPDATE: “Lock us down:”