Archive for 2022

KRUISER’S MORNING BRIEF: Confirmed — The Supreme Court’s Lib Justices Are Paste-Eaters. “Well, now we know why the Democrats are so eager to pack the Supreme Court with more liberal judges. They’re going to need at least three more lefties on the Court just to get the collective IQ of the lib justices into triple digits.”

SUPREME MISINFORMATION: At Minimum, Sotomayor Should Recuse Herself From All Decisions Regarding COVID.

Sonia Sotomayor’s ludicrous claim before her Supreme Court peers during oral arguments that one hundred thousand children were “in serious condition” from COVID-19 when three thousand would have been more accurate, is far more than just an embarrassment to the justice.

How could such an ill-informed person be a justice of our highest court? What else doesn’t she know—or, perhaps more exactly, doesn’t want to know?

Her full quotation makes it sound still worse.

“We have hospitals that are almost at full capacity with people severely ill on ventilators. We have over 100,000 children, which we’ve never had before, in serious condition, many on ventilators.”

None of those are true. We are currently going through a bump in cases of the vastly weaker Omicron variant, which many have compared to a cold and in the vast majority of instances can be treated at home with therapeutics.

Even extreme vaccine enthusiast CDC director Rochelle Wallensky admitted that hospitalizations for other age groups were fifteen fold greater than the pediatric—and those weren’t much.

Sotomayor wasn’t alone on the court with her what some might euphemistically call “mischaracterization.” Justice Stephen Breyer claimed “750 million new cases” of coronavirus had been reported in our country when the entire population is well less than half that.

Can you get two cases of COVID-19 at once? Who’d a thunk it?

What’s going on here? Are the two Supreme Court justices taking stupid pills? Is the “Wise Latina” not so wise after all?

She may not be a legal genius but that’s not the problem. The problem is what I have called “want-to-believe.”

Also, Supreme Court justices come from a very narrow demographic nowadays, one that doesn’t involve understanding much of anything about science.

Related: CDC Director Disputes Supreme Court Justice Sotomayor’s Claim About Children Seriously Ill With COVID-19.

OOPS: Boulder County allowing farmers to grow GMOs on open space after organic utopia didn’t materialize.

County residents opposed to conventional seed engineering and pesticide use had over the years persuaded leaders to outlaw the methods on public land, hoping those acres would become a utopian garden of organic vegetable plots and locally in-demand crops.

Schlagel knows full well that farming public land in Boulder County is performative, visually and politically. As he wheels the John Deere around the cornfield he harvested in November, third-floor patients from UC Health’s Longs Peak Hospital on the east side of Longmont can watch him make the dust fly. He’s been willing to work within that constant judgment of Boulder County consumers.

But he’s not willing to lose his family farm raising crops that people won’t pay for.

“It’s hard for people living in the city of Boulder, and even on the western side of Boulder County, to understand what real agriculture even looks like,” Schlagel said. The crop bans were “a mandate from somebody that we’re going to transition to something better that is very naive. Because if there was something better, we would already be there.”


HEATHER MAC DONALD: Insurrections and Double Standards: Reveling in the anniversary of the Capitol riot, Democrats and the media dubiously brand it a right-wing “insurrection”—while ignoring the urban anarchy that began in May 2020.

The disappointment was palpable. As the one-year anniversary of the January 6, 2021, Capitol riot approached, the Department of Homeland Security had warned state and local law enforcement officials that “domestic violent extremists” could strike again. Security forces were on guard and many people were on edge, reported the New York Times. Yet, as a CNN anchor morosely observed during the network’s saturation coverage of the anniversary celebration: “There’s been no violence at the Capitol today.”

The letdown was all the greater, coming after so many similar disappointments. Early in 2021, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, the Department of Justice, and the Department of Homeland Security predicted that white supremacists and militias would stage January 6-inspired attacks throughout the year. Fencing and bollards ringed the Capitol through July, protecting against the alleged white supremacist threat. The Biden administration budgeted for attacks from domestic terrorists embedded within the military and law enforcement. In late spring, DHS issued an intelligence bulletin about coming domestic extremist attacks during the summer of 2021. A flurry of excitement broke out about possible violence in August 2021 from Trump plotters. College campuses were also at risk from those who feel “hostility toward higher education, intellectualism, and societal sectors seen as elite,” according to the Chronicle of Higher Education.

Barricades went back up around the Capitol in September 2021 and law enforcement was put on high alert, in preparation for unrest from right-wingers protesting the treatment of the January 6 rioters. The FBI doubled its investigations of white supremacists and militias, since extremists “advocating for the superiority of the white race” pose the greatest threat of mass civilian attacks, the bureau has concluded.

None of those expected attacks materialized—not last week, on the one-year anniversary of January 6, or during the preceding year. The media’s Capitol riot anniversary celebration, however, was choreographed to underscore the fictional claim that white supremacy is the biggest impediment to civil order in the U.S. today. . . .

Biden’s linking of Officer Billy Evans to January 6 is an outright fabrication. Evans’s death had nothing to do with January 6: he was killed by a black nationalist follower of Elijah Muhammad who drove his car into Evans and other Capitol police officers on April 2, 2021. It is a mark of how desperate the Democrats are to elevate the January 6 death toll that they are willing to undermine their white supremacist story by including in that toll a black nationalist murder of a police officer nearly three months later.

But Biden’s sleight of hand worked, as evidenced by the New York Times’s fawning and hilariously gratuitous annotations of Biden’s January 6 speech. The Times glossed Biden’s invocation of Evans with a comment about officers who responded to the January 6 attacks, reinforcing the impression that Evans was a casualty of the violence that day.

Only one person was killed during or as a result of the January 6 riot: Capitol trespasser Ashli Babbitt. The media blackout on that killing is one of the most stunning examples of political double standards in recent memory. Babbitt was shot at short range by Capitol Police Lt. Michael Byrd, in what appears to be a patently unjustified use of force. Byrd had zero reason to think that Babbitt was armed or posed an imminent threat of lethal danger to himself or bystanders. Had Byrd been white and Babbitt black, even if Babbitt’s political sympathies were otherwise unchanged, the media would have called racism on him.

The goal is to give leftist thugs free rein, while ensuring that the right is afraid to respond. It’s the sort of thing authoritarian governments do.

#RESIST: A reader emails, “This was at my local Mobil station about 2 miles from the FDR Pressidential Library in Hyde Park, NY. All of the pumps had stickers, but some have been damaged by angry progressives. The resistance is real!” Yes, yes it is.

Another reader sends this sighting from Dayton, TX:

Red states, blue states — it’s a nationwide phenomenon!

UPDATE: On the first one, the pic is from a different area station than the one described. He writes: “Hi Glenn – just as a point of clarification, I sent you this from Albany NY, several miles from “Mobil station about 2 miles from the FDR Pressidential Library in Hyde Park, NY. Check the tax/calibration seal. Albany County NY. Roughly 75 miles north of the FDR Library. Love the blog. Keep up the great work!”

ONE DAY THE VETERANS HAD HAD ENOUGH:  The Military Suicide Epidemic.

Coming back from a war they weren’t allowed to win….

Starship Troopers — right now a best case scenario.

I’M SURE THAT’S WHAT THE LEFT IS AIMING FOR:  Depressing article by Joel Kotkin, “Welcome to the end of democracy”.

But what you have to remember is that they and for that matter Kotkin have no clue where their food comes from. Stuff like food production, distribution, etc, is a mystery to them. (Heck, I have a vague idea, mostly by knowing how complex it is, but not the details.)
When I read one of Alvin Toffler’s books in the 80s, I was seized with the idea one day everyone would work remote from a computer. This lasted until a friend smacked me with “you can’t. Food has to be grown and transported, and real things have to be built.”

Kotkin’s apocalyptic vision is of the same order. This would all be true and very scary if “green” energy produced even the modicum necessary (or more than it costs, really) to keep a miserable existence going; if the technocrats understood anything about food production; if socialism actually could work in any way shape or form.

Nah. It’s not the end of democracy — which I’ll note the US isn’t — what we’re seeing is the end of socialism. It’s ending fast and ugly, and it’s going to hurt us on its way down, but in the end what never worked can’t work, and they’re already losing.