Archive for 2022


Shot: American Airlines apologizes about pilot with ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ sticker.

American Airlines (AA) went viral after responding to a Twitter user Saturday who complained about a pilot because he had a “Let’s Go Brandon” sticker on his luggage.

A Twitter user who has since made her Twitter account private took a picture of the sticker and sent it to the airline, asking if they accept “cowardly rhetoric on their crew luggage when they’re in uniform.”

“We are not the only passengers who noticed and were disgusted,” the user added.

The official Twitter account of AA responded to the user’s public complaint, tweeting, “Thank you for bringing this to our attention and we want to get this to the right team. Please DM any additional details.

The user went on to post what she claimed were direct messages with representatives for the airline, who assured her that her complaints had been forwarded to the proper authorities for internal review.

—Fox News, today.

Chaser: American Airlines allows crew to wear Black Lives Matter pin on uniforms.

—CBS News, September 8th, 2020.

RICHARD FERNANDEZ: Putin’s Kazakhstan Problem. “Russia’s threatened invasion of Ukraine was suddenly disrupted by an uprising in the former Soviet republic of Kazakhstan caused by spiking gas prices, oligarchical corruption, and economic collapse. The surprise rebellion forced the Kremlin to send in thousands of troops to restore order, likely a difficult task given allegations that the plotters come from inside the security establishment itself. ‘Kazakhstan’s former intelligence chief has been arrested on suspicion of treason following nationwide anti-government protests.'”

YOU DON’T SAY: The Biden administration has a COVID credibility crisis. “While much of the unvaccinated population is unlikely to be persuaded by any messenger, large swaths of the public are still receptive to expert guidance, but federal health agencies, particularly the CDC, may be squandering their credibility with this population.”

May be? Celebrity medical spokesmodel Anthony “Doctor” Fauci has been on at least both sides of every COVID-related question since the outbreak began.

THE WASHINGTON FREE BEACON GETS RESULTS! University of Memphis Cancels Plan to Pay Professors to Go Woke, Governor Says. “Gov. Bill Lee (R., Tenn.) contacted the public university immediately after learning about the new program, first reported on by the Washington Free Beacon, which offered faculty $3,000 to redesign their curricula to align with the university’s ‘diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice’ commitments. The governor said the program will not be carried out. ‘The University of Memphis informed my office that the initiative will not move forward,’ Lee told the Free Beacon. ‘We welcome robust debate on college campuses, but taxpayer dollars should never be used to fuel a divisive, radical agenda.’ ‘Ending this program was the right decision, and I thank the university for hearing our concerns,’ Lee said.”

#RESIST: A reader sends this pic from Smithfield, Virginia.


ANTHONY BLINKEN’S SOUNDTRACK TO FAILURE: “Antony Blinken, the secretary of state and first guitarist, has broken with the tired protocols of the past, faced the complexities of the multipolar twenty-first century world, and issued a Spotify playlist. This may be a better way of reaching new audiences than bombing them. But shouldn’t public figures be judged on their records, not their record collections?”

That’s not a good metric for this crowd. . .

Plus: “There is no faster way to fall out with a friend, antagonize the stranger and confirm your enemies’ contempt than asserting your taste in music — apart, that is, from doing really bold solos like flitting from Afghanistan without telling your allies, promising everything to Iranian negotiators before the negotiations begin, or threatening to fight Putin over Ukraine and then backing down. Blinken managed to accomplish all four. His playlist is the soundtrack to failure.”

COVID IS OVER: ‘Epidemic Curves’ To Begin Going Down In Certain East Coast States.

“You said we’ll be past the Omicron wave by February. Do you stand by that trajectory?” Brennan asked.

Gottlieb replied by noting that despite predictions that Delta would have been the final “major wave of infection,” Omicron arrived and surprised many.

“But if you look what’s happening across the East Coast right now in New York City, Washington, D.C., Maryland, probably Florida as well have already peaked, maybe Delaware and Rhode Island,” Gottlieb stated. “You’re going to start to see that in the statistics this week. You’re going to start to see those curves, those epidemic curves bend down. You are already seeing that in New York City and Washington, D.C.”

I wrote last month that if we followed South Africa’s trajectory, omicron would be past its peak sometime not long after New Year’s, and here are.

CULTURE: “Watch the SNL skit here. It crudely mocks low-class white people who think that superimposing a brandy snifter on a photographed portrait is gorgeous and elegant. But now we’re asked to show respect for black people who’ve been admiring the same photography. Fine.”

ROGER SIMON: At Minimum, Sotomayor Should Recuse Herself From All Decisions Regarding COVID.

How could such an ill-informed person be a justice of our highest court? What else doesn’t she know—or, perhaps more exactly, doesn’t want to know?

Her full quotation makes it sound still worse.

“We have hospitals that are almost at full capacity with people severely ill on ventilators. We have over 100,000 children, which we’ve never had before, in serious condition, many on ventilators.”

None of those are true. We are currently going through a bump in cases of the vastly weaker Omicron variant, which many have compared to a cold and in the vast majority of instances can be treated at home with therapeutics.

Even extreme vaccine enthusiast CDC director Rochelle Wallensky admitted that hospitalizations for other age groups were fifteen fold greater than the pediatric—and those weren’t much.

Sotomayor wasn’t alone on the court with her what some might euphemistically call “mischaracterization.” Justice Stephen Breyer claimed “750 million new cases” of coronavirus had been reported in our country when the entire population is well less than half that.

Can you get two cases of COVID-19 at once? Who’d a thunk it?

What’s going on here? Are the two Supreme Court justices taking stupid pills? Is the “Wise Latina” not so wise after all?

She may not be a legal genius but that’s not the problem. The problem is what I have called “want-to-believe.”

Sotomayor and Breyer are so convinced of liberal/conservative ideology that they are unable even to see the arguments of the other side, sometimes to the extent that they do not even know they are there, that they exist.

Exit quote: “Sotomayor may not make a blunder as obvious as this one again, but the thought process—or lack thereof—that led to it will not change. You might call it the anti-scientific method.”

K-12 IMPLOSION UPDATE: Texas teacher locks son in trunk of car over COVID-19 worries. “Beam (left) said her son had tested positive for the virus, and that she was bringing him for another test. ‘To protect herself from being exposed,’ Beam put him in the trunk.”

GO ON AND TAKE THE RED PILL: COVID School Policies Made Me Sour on the Democratic Party.

I kept hoping that someone in our all-Democratic political leadership would take a stand on behalf of Cleveland’s 37,000 public-school children or seem to care about what was happening. Weren’t Democrats supposed to stick up for low-income kids? Instead, our veteran Democratic mayor avoided remarking on the crisis facing the city’s public-school families. Our all-Democratic city council was similarly disengaged. The same thing was happening in other blue cities and blue states across the country, as the needs of children were simply swept aside. Cleveland went so far as to close playgrounds for an entire year. That felt almost mean-spirited, given the research suggesting the negligible risk of outdoor transmission—an additional slap in the face.

No, Democrats aren’t supposed to stick up for low-income kids. Poor kids don’t have the kind of political muscle and fundraising prowess teachers’ unions do.

SALENA ZITO: COVID-19 allowed too many to pervert their power.

It is still hard to fathom the number of freedoms, information, and liberty we have willingly given away for the past two years during the pandemic to the influential cultural curators within government and institutions such as unions, academia, media, and corporations.

It is still hard to fathom that we have collectively allowed the questioning power to get shunned from polite society and shamed into submission.

According to those curators, you should lose your job, have stricken your ability to express concerns in a public forum, and have your life turned upside down.

The leap from the containment at the beginning of the pandemic to the normalization of government overreach has been nothing short of breathtaking. Unfortunately, the same goes for our institutions — academia, unions, media, and Big Tech.

We’ve normalized all kinds of genuinely destructive actions in the name of stopping the spread, such as shutting down schools on a dime, giving unchecked power to teachers unions, and firing people for not getting vaccinated. We’ve upended our children’s mental health, expanded our opioid crisis, mandated things we have no business mandating, and cratered our economy.

Many at the start lost parents and grandparents in nursing homes where they were alone and isolated with no one who loved them to hold their hand as they took their last breath.

Power is a wretched force when in the wrong hands.

Our institutions are almost all run by the wrong hands, and it shows.