Archive for 2022
January 13, 2022
MICHAEL WALSH: ‘A Battle for the Soul of America.’
Like the Wizard of Oz, Joe Biden shouts at you to pay no attention to the figurehead standing at the podium while his wicked witches and flying monkeys ready another assault on America-as-founded and its institutions. Biden and his party answer to a higher authority, perceive an arc of history that bends toward their idea of “justice,” and will “by any means necessary” compel your conformity. They wake up every morning and ask themselves: how can we punish our enemies today? And then they set about doing just that.
So Biden was right. He’s said it many times. This really is a battle for the soul of America. And you’re the enemy.
Read the whole thing.
COCAINE MITCH:McConnell Destroys Joe Biden on Senate Floor.
SINEMA PUTS FILIBUSTER REFORM OUT OF ITS MISERY: The Arizona Democrat delivers a heartfelt explanation of her vote. She’s wrong on so much else, but not on this one.
THE DESTRUCTION OF THE KULAKS IS PROCEEDING ACCORDING TO PLAN: Inflation is eating away at the heart of America’s small businesses.
INFLATION IS ALWAYS AND EVERYWHERE A MONETARY PHENOMENON: New Bundesbank boss warns high inflation could last longer than expected.
Related: Fear the Boom & Bust.
HMM: An End To Chinese Skyscrapers? “Last year, China banned skyscrapers of more than 500 meters high, and put considerable restrictions on those more than 250 meters high. Now comes word that they’re banning buildings over 150 meters high as well.”
Plus: “The fact that the skyscraper boom got so far out of whack with economic reality is just another indication of how much of China’s ‘economic miracle’ is a complete mirage.”
Lifted from the comments, a technological feat:
Traffic cameras in Chicago disproportionately ticket Black and Latino motorists.
Readers are invited to spot the word that’s doing the heavy lifting. It appears 1o times in the article quoted above, excluding variations.
* * * * * * * *
See also the words disparate, disparity and disparities, which occur no fewer than 22 times.
It’s good enough for me — ban racist red-light and speeding cameras throughout the country.
DEEP IMPACT: CNN Ratings Crater Nearly 90%, Jeff Zucker Needs to Go. “Pedophilia scandals, Trump Derangement Syndrome, and poor programming choices take their toll as CNN ratings crash to Earth like a massive asteroid in a doomsday movie.”
HOW IT STARTED: Joe Biden: I’m going to ‘shut down the virus’, not the US.
—The Grauniad, October 23rd, 2020.
How it’s going: Politico: Dems beg Biden for a COVID strategy “reset.”
Democrats have good reason to panic. Biden started off with strong voter support, especially on the pandemic. That has collapsed in the general confidence-crisis cascade, but the chaos around COVID-19 is akin to inflation — it hits Americans every day in one way or another. If it’s not workplace access, it’s grocery shortages. If it’s not grocery shortages, it’s supply chain delays and service wait times. As the midterms approach, Democrats have already begun to panic about pandemic fatigue, along with inflation, the border crisis, and so on. It’s morphing into Biden/Harris fatigue, and perhaps even more broadly into Democrat fatigue as party leadership focuses on hobby-horse agenda items rather than what truly plagues voters, pun very much intended.
By November, if Biden doesn’t grab a clue about his terrible performance, Democrats won’t even get to play checkers in a 3D chess environment. They’ll end up playing tic-tac-toe … and losing.
—Ed Morrissey, Hot Air, today.
#RESIST: A reader emails: “I saw TWO of the stickers in November in completely different states. This one was in Wisconsin near Madison.”
“And this one was in Virginia Beach, VA.”
Plus, Rich Vail writes: “I’ve spotted these all over Savannah, Georgia area from Tybee Island to Richmond Hill. This example is at the Circle K on US 80 east of I95.”
It’s a coast-to-coast phenomenon!
JOANNE JACOBS: Will parents help? 670 volunteer in Palo Alto.
The call for parent volunteers went out at 9 pm on Sunday, reports John Fensterwald on EdSource. By 9 am Monday, 360 Palo Alto (California) parents had offered to work as classroom aides, Covid testing staff, office workers, recess and lunch supervisors, custodians or whatever else is needed to keep the community’s schools open.
By Tuesday morning, 1 Palo Alto had 670 recruits, says Superintendent Don Austin. Volunteers — the number has passed 700 — started work today.
The schools wills stay open, he pledged.
Teachers insisted they weren’t essential workers — and they were right!
STILL POPULAR: On/Go at-Home COVID-19 Rapid Antigen Self-Test, 2 Tests Per Pack, Test Results in 10 Minutes, FDA Authorized. #CommissionEarned
THAT’S NOT FUNNY: Steve Harvey: ‘Political Correctness Has Killed Comedy.’
WILL YOUR COLLEGE DEGREE BE A GOOD INVESTMENT? Merits of the education itself aside, the gatekeeping function colleges provide used to make this an easy “yes,” at least in most people’s eyes. That seems to be fading now, as costs mount while the utility of many degrees continues to decrease, for all kinds of reasons — not just the usual suspects.
THE FDA’S TRACK RECORD UNDER COVID HAS BEEN ABOMINABLE: The FDA’s harmful restrictions on two new COVID drugs. “For the 25% of Americans who do not have primary care physicians, access to these drugs will be next to impossible.”
Why does the FDA hate poor people and minorities?
EVERYWHERE ELSE, TOO: Fauci Lies in the Senate. “So what was it this time? Easy. It was when Rand Paul asked him if he thought it ‘appropriate to use your $420,000 salary to smear scientists who don’t agree with you?’ Fauci predictably denied the charge, but just about anyone with an ounce of sense could likely guess he was lying. Alas, there is no need for guesswork. An American Institute for Economic Research Freedom of Information request makes it plain: Fauci absolutely used his government position to smear any number of people with whom he disagrees.”
I’M EXPECTING PUSHBACK ON THIS FROM THE LEGISLATURE: U. Tennessee to launch CRT center, require professors commit to DEI for tenure.
STACEY LENNOX: Is the DOJ Readying Biden’s Brownshirts to Deal With His Political Opposition? “President Joe Biden reinforced this idea Tuesday at a speech in Georgia. While encouraging Senate Democrats to blow up the filibuster to pass the federal takeover of elections, he suggested that anyone opposed to that agenda stands with Jefferson Davis, the president of the Confederacy. To rational people, that statement is insane. But the leader of the executive branch said it.”
MORE ON THE EMORY LAW JOURNAL DEBACLE: Scandalous Suppression at a Law Review. “I immediately wrote to the editors: ‘Your comments make clear that you are refusing to publish it because you disagree with its political views. This is a fundamental betrayal of the mission of a scholarly journal. If you maintain your position, then I will also withdraw my article in protest.'” They maintained their position.
Plus: Who Ultimately Runs “Student-Run” Law Reviews? Not Law Review Editors. “Given the odd fact that most law reviews in this country are student-edited, it shouldn’t be an independent institution. A scholarly institution is the responsibility of the members of its discipline. That’s true in general terms, but also in the more specific sense that a law review is ultimately the responsibility of its law school, that school’s faculty, and the review’s faculty advisor. At a minimum, if someone is going to go to the trouble of naming the editor of a law review when complaining that it has failed in its duties, scholarly or contractual, that critic should note the name of the faculty advisor and ask for comment from that person. But beyond that, ultimately a law faculty itself should step in–has an institutional and disciplinary duty to do so–if one of its journals is acting in a way that violates, ignores, or weakens scholarly norms.”
I’VE SEEN THE LOCKDOWNS AND THE DAMAGE DONE: Quarantine depression? Students sound off on shutdowns, mental health crisis.
Background: Biden’s Education Secretary Solicited the Infamous Letter Likening Angry Parents to Domestic Terrorists.