Archive for 2021


Meanwhile, Ann Althouse looks at Trump’s speech and wonders where’s the actual incitement? “I read the entire speech — which was over an hour — looking for the sentences that are most subject to the interpretation that he was inciting the crowd to break into the Capitol building or commit any sort of act of violence. I’m doing this because I realized I wasn’t seeing quotes from Trump, just assertions that the speech was an incitement and cause-and-effect inferences based on the sequence of events: He spoke and then they acted.”

It’s like they had the narrative ready to go regardless of the facts.

UPDATE (From Ed): at Reason, Jacob Sullum asks, Did Trump Commit a Crime When He Riled Up His Supporters Before They Rioted? “Under federal law, incitement to riot does not include ‘advocacy of ideas’ or ‘expression of belief’ unless it endorses violence, which Trump did not do.”

OPEN THREAD: Say something positive about the coming year.


Trump warned you.

This does seem like a good way to re-unify the Republican Party, though.

UPDATE: A friend emails: “They are going to try to cancel 75 million people. Dangerous indeed.”

HERE COMES PERSECUTION: The Left is moving into position to suppress all dissident voices.

HOW LONG UNTIL “HATE” MEANS VOTING REPUBLICAN? A Big Move to Ban Realtor ‘Hate Speech.’ At Work. Anywhere. 24/7. “In what some consider one of the most far-reaching social policy moves in the corporate world, the National Association of Realtors, called the nation’s largest trade organization, has revised its professional ethics code to ban ‘hate speech and harassing speech’ by its 1.4 million members. . . . Mary Wagner, a Buffalo real estate agent who is white and lesbian, says the move, announced in November, fits her vision for creating a fairer society. She predicts thousands of complaints this year, given the realtor association’s enormous size and the overheated climate of social media.”

If I were in real estate, I’d think twice about belonging to an organization that got thousands of complaints for member hate speech and harassment.

HMM: Utah BLM Activist inside U.S. Capitol says woman killed was first to try and enter House chamber; John Sullivan claims he entered Capitol during rally only to document event, but his own video shows him encouraging others as they rioted.

A Utah activist who faces criminal charges in connection with a Provo protest he organized in June claims he attended a pro-Trump rally that turned into a violent attack on the U.S. Capitol in order to see “the truth” about the protests for himself and the organization he represents.

“For me, it’s important from the group and the people around me to see that side of things, to see the truth,” John Sullivan said Wednesday night. “I don’t care, like what side you’re on, you should just see it raw.”

Sullivan, who is the founder of Insurgence USA, a social justice group that calls itself anti-fascist and protests police brutality, was detained by Washington police for about an hour and a half Thursday night, a day after he talked to local and national media about what he witnessed Wednesday.

He was handcuffed the entire time, and said police questioned him about being inside the Capitol and witnessing the shooting death of one of the protesters. He was not arrested.

Sullivan said he also intended to “support the Black community” with his attendance, but also feels it was “important to understand” those who were protesting in support of President Donald Trump.

But some of the 40-minute video he posted to his social media sites contradicts his assertion that he and another woman were “only filming” the actions and not participating as he can be heard in the video encouraging people to join them as they push their way through police barricades. . . .

“There were kids, there were women, there were old, old men,” he said, “and they were all participating in this insurrection at the … Capitol. … It should awaken you to the anger that people might have that’s seriously, you know, a problem. And maybe they need to address it.”

At about 17 minutes into the 40-minute video, someone yells, “Do not deface the statues!” Sullivan can be heard saying, “I can respect that. Well, people might burn this down, not going to lie. Might be too late for that.”

A minute later he narrates what he’s filming with his personal feelings, “This is surreal. This is real life, though. This seems like a movie. … This is a revolution. You guys treasure this moment. This is history.”

Sullivan, 26, faces two criminal charges stemming from a protest he organized in Provo last June.


HOWIE CARR: Where was the rioting outrage last summer?

As Chris “Fredo” Cuomo of CNN put it during one of those undocumented shopping sprees, “Please, show me where it says protests have to be polite and peaceful.”

Let’s start with Gov. Charlie Baker. Never stand between Baker and a television camera (or the internet) when there’s an opportunity to virtue-signal.

Here was his press release Wednesday afternoon:

“I join with Americans from every corner of the country to condemn the violence unfolding at the Capitol, and President Trump and his supporters must do the same immediately.”

Now let’s go back to the riots of late May — remember those lawless mobs rampaging through downtown Boston on that Sunday night on live TV.

The thugs foraged from Newbury Street all the way to Downtown Crossing, looting jewelry and clothing stores, vandalizing buildings, and, in at least one case, shooting at Boston cops from a moving vehicle on Tremont Street across from the Common.

Millions of dollars in damages, at least 55 arrests.

Here was Charlie Parker’s verbatim play-by-play on the worst mass violence in Boston since busing:

“The vast majority, and I mean the vast majority of the people who were part of these protests are there to make a point and to make it peacefully. That is so obvious I’m amazed that anyone could say anything other than that, at least in Massachusetts.”

In other words, who are you gonna believe, Charlie Baker or your lyin’ eyes?

After that nonsense Charlie did mumble a few words about “bad actors,” but he quickly returned to his original theme: “These demonstrators … go there peacefully to engage in a peaceful demonstration.”

To paraphrase George Orwell, some riots are more peaceful than others.

Read the whole thing.

Flashback: Nancy Pelosi Called for ‘Uprisings’ Against the Trump Administration. And as Jim Treacher tweeted earlier today: