Archive for 2021

MANCHIN: Biden push for new stimulus checks runs into roadblock from key Democratic senator.

President-elect Joe Biden’s plans for a major new economic relief package boosting stimulus payments to $2,000 ran into possibly fatal opposition from his own party Friday as Sen. Joe Manchin III (D-W.Va.) said he would “absolutely not” support a new round of checks.

Manchin, a moderate who will hold great sway in a Senate split 50-50 between Democrats and Republicans, made his views known even as the Biden team worked to develop a coronavirus relief package that would include new stimulus checks, extended unemployment benefits, and more. . . .

Without united Democratic support Biden would need to attract Republican votes for his proposal. And while some Republicans have supported $2,000 stimulus payments, but there is scant GOP support for other elements of Biden’s emerging plan, such as extending unemployment benefits.

That means Manchin’s opposition to new stimulus payments could kill Biden’s proposal altogether, or force him to reshape it dramatically. And it offers an early preview of the challenges Biden will face in governing over the next four years even with his party controlling both chambers of Congress.

Have fun, guys.

KAROL MARKOWICZ: The vaccine slow roll. When Ron DeSantis blames local officials, CNN reporters tear into him. When Cuomo does it? Crickets:

DeSantis could be faulted perhaps for not streamlining the process to get the vaccination to the elderly. But in New York, the elderly are not even eligible for vaccination and few journalists seem to have a problem with this. Vaccination is currently limited to only healthcare workers and nursing home residents and staff.

In fact, it’s Mayor Bill de Blasio, who has fallen out of favor with the left and therefore can get the Republican treatment from the media, who is pushing to have elderly vaccinated immediately.

On Monday, Mayor de Blasio asked the state to allow the city to vaccinate essential workers who are 75 years old and up. Cuomo said nope and that was the end of that. Cuomo also blamed local officials for the fact that the city had only used up 25 percent of their vaccine supply. When DeSantis blames local officials, he gets torn into by CNN. When Cuomo does it, it’s crickets.

It’s good to have the support of the DNC-MSM:

● Future Biden Coronavirus task force member Dr. Ezekiel J. Emanuel in the Atlantic in 2014: Why I Hope to Die at 75.

Cuomo Gets Emmy Award For Covid Nursing Home Deaths.

Chris Cuomo’s COVID-19 Interviews With Andrew Cuomo Are Disgraceful.

SPENGLER: American democracy died on Capitol Hill.

No Russian cyberspooks, no Chinese spies, no jihadi terrorists – no external enemies of any kind could have brought as much harm to the United States as its own self-inflicted wounds.

I spent last evening taking calls from friends around the world, including a senior diplomat of an American ally who asked me what I thought of the first evacuation of Capitol Hill since the British invaded in 1812.

“I’m horrified,” I said. “So is the entire free world,” the diplomat replied.

There are belly-laughs in Beijing this morning. The Chinese government daily Global Times taunted:

The riots taking place in Washington DC, the storming of the US Capitol by hundreds of President Donald Trump’s supporters which ended with four dead, 52 arrested and 14 police officers injured on Thursday shocked the world, and Chinese experts said this unprecedented incident will mark the fall of “the beacon of democracy,” and the beautiful rhetoric of “City upon a Hill” will perish.

The world is watching as US allies feel disappointed when they saw the country that they used to admire descend into a huge mess. Chinese observers said this is a “Waterloo to US international image,” and the US has totally lost legitimacy and qualification to interfere in other countries’ domestic affairs with the excuse of “democracy” in the future.    

It’s actually worse than the Global Times editors think.

Read the whole thing.


As the president greeted tens of thousands of Americans who had traveled to the nation’s capital to show their support for Trump’s last stand, Senate Republicans learned they would lose control of the chamber after both Georgia races were called for the Democrats.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) used his time from the floor to dismiss valid allegations of election fraud as his conference prepared to certify the election of their longtime Senate colleague, Joe Biden. The outgoing Senate leader falsely claimed that Trump’s lawsuits “received hearings in courtrooms all across the country” while admitting every election has illegalities and irregularities.

“Last year’s bizarre pandemic procedures must not become the new norm” McConnell lectured, clearly unaware that, yes, those rules will of course become the new norm and that there isn’t a damn thing he can—or will—do about it.

Sometimes it seems McConnell prefers being Minority Leader.

VODKAPUNDIT PRESENTS YOUR DAILY INSANITY WRAP: ABC News Political Director Calls for ‘Cleansing’ of Trump Supporters.

Insanity Wrap needs to know: When does love actually trump hate for the Left?

Answer: We’ll tell you just as soon as the boxcar reaches the reeducation camp.

Before we get to the sordid details, a quick preview of today’s Wrap.

  • It’s not an insurrection when the Left does it
  • Yet another media personality wishing death upon you and yours
  • 2021 rides off into the Apocalypse

Bonus Sanity: Dan Bongino finally leaves Twitter for Parler.

And so much more at the link, you’d have to be crazy to miss it.

TRUMP ANNOUNCES HE WON’T ATTEND BIDEN’S INAUGURATION: “Vice President Mike Pence will attend the inauguration. Trump will be the first losing incumbent to skip an inauguration since Andrew Johnson lost to Ulysses S. Grant in 1869.”