Archive for 2021


Mainstream and left-wing media journalists often express horror at the freedom being displayed in places like Florida and Texas as if they are foreign lands, even though there have been no accompanying spikes in COVID-related deaths. If only they knew that the same indifference to draconian lockdowns and mask mandates was occurring less than 50 miles outside their front door.

The DNC-MSM is “unexpectedly” incurious about many things.

ROGER KIMBALL: The Slow-Motion Suicide of the West. “Some people thought James Burnham’s identification of liberalism with civilization’s suicide was hyperbolic. In light of American institutions’ embrace of anti-Americanism, what would they say now?”

Plus: “While there are, as a matter of historical fact, plenty of civilizations that succumb to invasion, occupation, and subjugation, there are also many that wither from within from a failure of self-confidence, of (for the Bergsonians out there) élan vital, of what your philosophy graduate student likes to call thumos: spirit, gumption, ‘heart,’ manliness. The fact that no one can even speak of ‘manliness’ today without looking over his shoulder these days is an index that thumos is on the endangered species list (along, as it happens, with sperm counts in the Western world).”

AT HELEN’S PAGE: Good reviews for the alpaca farm products:

Got a rug and it is fantastic! Soft, lovely natural fibers, nice neutral colors, a quirky handmade aesthetic – and the adorable alpaca on the back! I only wish they had bigger rugs as well. It feels great underfoot, it even provides quite a bit of cushion.

Ordered the Backpacka lightweight hiking socks, and had a chance to try them out this weekend. It was very warm for this time of year (low 80s), but even after a 10 mile hike my feet remained dry, even though there were stream crossings along the way.

JIM WRIGHT COULD NOT BE REACHED FOR COMMENT: Report: ‘Border Czar’ Kamala Harris’s Book Is Purchased With ‘U.S. Taxpayer Dollars’ and Given to Illegal Aliens.


UPDATE (4/28): NY Post Reporter Resigns After Retraction Of Kamala Harris Book Story. “The NY Post was forced to edit its article and issue an editor’s note noting that ‘the original version of this article said migrant kids were getting Harris’ book in a welcome kit, but has been updated to note that only one known copy of the book was given to a child.’”



EUGENE VOLOKH: Race And Violent Crime:

An article by a criminal law professor Thursday in the Columbus Dispatch included this assertion:

“The reality is that Black-on-Black crime is a myth, and that Black and white people routinely commit crimes at similar rates, but Black people are overwhelmingly targeted for arrest.”

Yet I think this is not the reality, at least as to violent crimes of the sort that are usually labeled “black-on-black” when committed by black criminals against black victims. (Blacks and whites do seem to commit drug possession and drug distribution crimes at relatively similar rates, but in this post I focus on violent crimes.) As best we can tell, blacks appear to commit violent crimes at a substantially higher rate per capita than do whites; there seems to be little aggregate disparity between the rate at which blacks commit violent crimes (especially when one focuses on crimes where the victims say they reported the crimes to the police) and the rate at which blacks are arrested for crimes; and the black-on-black crime rate is especially high.

Of course, it’s always hard to measure what the actual crime rate is for any group (whether for purposes of claiming that the rates are similar or that they are different). Still, the most reliable data, to my knowledge, is generally the National Crime Victimization Survey, and the U.S. Justice Department Bureau of Justice Statistics reports that are based on that survey. Indeed, the link in the quoted sentence from the article goes to a source that relies on such data.

Figures don’t lie. Trust the science.

DON SURBER: Tucker Carlson is saving journalism.

I should not have to write this, but journalists should accept criticism. Largely they don’t. And lately they are upset because Tucker Carlson is taking them to task on his nightly Fox show.

Speaking from personal experience, your critics do you a valuable service. His criticism is golden because Carlson grew up in journalism. . . .

Carlson is taking some heat from CNN for saying, “Maybe it’s because there’s no incentive to go into journalism anymore. I think that’s part of it. It doesn’t pay anything. If you want to get rich, if you’re smart, you go into private equity or leave the country and move to Barbados. Maybe the smart people don’t want to do journalism anymore.”

But his is a salient point. If they are not in it for the money, what are they in it for?

Vincent Damon Furnier once said the reason he got into rock was for the chicks and free beer. So he donned a dress and became Alice Cooper. His motivation was honorable and to be admired.

If not money, what is the motive to become a journalist?

I sense a motivation that is less than honorable.
