Archive for 2021

THE “ANTI-CHINESE RACISM” THING IS JUST PART OF THE CCP’S PROPAGANDA LINE: U. San Diego Law Prof. Thomas Smith Harshly Criticized Chinese Gov’t, Now Faces False Claims Of Ethnic Bias.

The students who are complaining about his are mostly exposing their unfitness as potential officers of the court. And USD Law Dean Robert Schapiro has exposed his unfitness as Dean. Deans are supposed to stand up for their faculty, not throw them under the bus at the least provocation.

Here’s more from Eugene Volokh. Frankly, this looks like a libel case, a political-discrimination case under California law, and a federal civil rights conspiracy case all rolled into one.

UPDATE: USD faculty take Dean to task.

The faculty member in question made a political comment in forceful language. He has the right and perhaps the obligation as a citizen and an academic to comment on matters of public concern such as the Chinese government’s handling of COVID, and to do so in evocative and forceful language. No fair, much less lawyerly way of reading what he wrote would conclude anything other than that “Chinese cock swaddle” was referring to propaganda of the Chinese government and surely not denigrating people of Chinese origin or descent. The context makes this perfectly clear. . . .

Blog posts by academics fall within the bounds of academic freedom as defined by the AAUP. Student concerns about discrimination should always be considered soberly. Yet, an academic institution committed to free inquiry cannot allow misplaced accusations of bigotry to become an all-purpose tool for silencing critical comment. To allow such accusations to undermine academic freedom ultimately ensures an environment of fear and suspicion for all members of the academic community, undermining rather than ensuring a welcoming and respectful discourse. Describing the disputed comments in this case as “offensive language in reference to people from China” of a piece with “hate crimes directed against the Asian and Pacific Islander (API) community [and] racist commentary” inevitably creates the impression that judgment has been rendered in advance and the outcome of the promised review has been predetermined.

Students who make such complaints need remedial training on living in a free society. As do deans who take them seriously.

GOOD AND HARD: Biden’s tax hike on ‘big business’ will actually slap workers in the face. “‘The elementary fact is that ‘business’ does not and cannot pay taxes,’ Nobel Prize-winning economist Milton Friedman once explained. ‘Only people can pay taxes. Corporate officials may sign the check, but the money that they forward to Internal Revenue comes from the corporation’s employees, customers, or stockholders.’”

HE WAS STILL USEFUL THEN: When Cuomo Was Accused of Sex Harassment 20 Years Ago, Dems Defended Him: And the Clinton administration enabled him.

At a Senate hearing in which Gaffney made her case, warning of Cuomo’s campaign of dirty tricks, Senator Susan Collins and Senator Fred Thompson, both Republicans, were supportive. Meanwhile [Rep.] Tom Lantos appeared to be cooperating with the Cuomo smear campaign.

Rep. Henry Waxman, aggressively defended Cuomo, accusing Gaffney of “nit-picking,” and “petty” complaints that “defy logic and reason”.

Rep. Elijah Cummings demanded an investigation of Gaffney.


UPDATE: Just for the record, though, Tom Lantos was a Representative. Reference above corrected.

EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ON ELECTION REFORMS: The Epoch Times has a handy reference graphic that highlights the 30 serious flaws in the H.R. 1 election “reform” law now before Congress, as well as descriptions of state-level reforms being pushed to ensure 2020 never happens again.


I had a conversation with my brother in Oregon, last night. Besides the usual family matters, he brought up a call he received from a ‘friend.’ The friend wanted to check on my brother and the family amidst rising violence toward Asian Americans. While my brother appreciated the gesture, he told his friend that it wasn’t necessary. The friend said he had been concerned about all the anti-Asian violence ever since Trump and the “China” virus rhetoric.

The friend knows my brother is a staunch conservative, so my brother got irritated. He asked the dude, what’s Trump got to do with the Georgia shootings and where was his phone call last year? The friend said he didn’t get what my brother was getting at. My brother replied that there were over 3,800 incidents of anti-Asian violence last year, yet you didn’t check on us. The friend said he didn’t know. My brother said, of course not—because no one besides us Asians cared. But now that you see a perp is a white male from the South, you start to care. You have to make this about YOU making a political statement rather than really caring about us, the Asian Americans.

My brother is correct. How can we trust and believe your sentiments when you didn’t care last year when we pleaded for assistance? The district attorneys in the Bay area and NYC acted blind to our plight. The national mainstream media didn’t lend us their ear nor their voice because the narrative didn’t fit.

But, now, you care.

You use our victimhood, turning it into your political gains—whether to infringe on the 2A or keep portraying Trump as that boogeyman. You sided with the rich NBA players over the freedom fighters of Hong Kong. You sided with Disney and NIKE over the lives and the dignity of the Uighurs in western China. You praised Antifa while they harassed and doxxed a gay Asian journalist. You sided with the rioters and looters that stole, robbed, and burned down our shops and businesses all last summer.

Yesterday, we found out the killer in the Georgia shooting rampage is a disturbed young man who is an Asian fetishist. Not exactly the perp that my brother’s friend wished for. I find it twisted and sick that there are a lot of white folks who get a ‘hard on’ for minorities’ victimhood. It’s as reprehensible as someone who has an Asian sexual fetish. Which is confusing—because one moment we are categorized with the ‘Whites’ when we are applying for colleges and universities and we don’t get the same affirmative action benefits of other POC when applying for a job— yet we are marginalized victims again, to serve your political purpose.

So we are just pawns.

My brother told his ‘friend,’ or his ‘ally,’ to snap out of trying to be the white savior. It was clear to my brother that the phone call was about the dude’s self righteousness and it was more self-serving than a true concern for the welfare and well-being of our family or any other Asians. My apologies, if my brother and I and some of our fellow Asians respond with indignation.

No apology needed.

FROM KACEY EZELL:  Sundown (Murphy’s Lawless: Watch the Skies Book 1).

Taken from their planet and their century, they are…the Lost Soldiers.

It’s been six months since the daring raid that destroyed the makeshift transmitter which would have summoned the satraps’ vastly superior off-world allies. The Lost Soldiers followed up that victory by scratching out a permanent base on R’Bak and spearheading the further attacks of their indigenous allies throughout the region. But the continued support, cooperation, and—above all—trust of the space-dwelling SpinDogs will be required if the Lost Soldiers are to maintain and expand their area of operations.

The key to good relations with the SpinDogs is the baby Major Mara “Bruce” Lee is carrying. A child of both cultures, the infant would be a bridge linking the two societies. But that link is still uncertain. For an Earth-born woman like Mara, pregnancy on the spins is likely to end in a spontaneous late-stage abortion…unless she receives one of the planet’s near-miraculous drugs.

Unfortunately, that drug is no longer available. The satraps are grabbing it—along with R’Bak’s other medicinals—in anticipation of the arrival of the Kulsian “Harvesters” who covet the exotic compounds.

When Sergeant Elroy Frazier, Bruce’s crew chief and closest friend, hears that raiders may have some of the needed drug, he goes off on his own to track it down. For him, it’s a matter of life and death for a friend. But failure could also mean the end of the fragile alliance with the SpinDogs. And, in turn, the end of all the time-stranded soldiers known as Murphy’s Lawless.


He doesn’t mention the big lawsuit that’s knocking on the door of the Supreme Court, Students for Fair Admissions Inc. v. President & Fellows of Harvard College. This is an effort to overrule the case that permits race to be taken into account in admissions decisions, and it is premised on the problem of discrimination against applicants with Asian ancestry.

I’ve been wondering about mainstream media’s intense focus on anti-Asian sentiment. Do WaPo and the NYT not notice that this newfound empathy for Asian Americans threatens to undermine affirmative action at this moment in the development of constitutional law?

Now, I’d like to see the news told straight, without bias one way or the other, but if narratives are chosen, why are they chosen? Are they chosen carefully, with attention to collateral effects? Maybe WaPo and the NYT just plunged headlong into its narrative because it seems to work as anti-Trump or to continue the momentum of Critical Race Theory, but if you really took Critical Race Theory seriously, you’d worry that these powerful institutions were fortifying white supremacy. In that light, I’m pointing out that there’s a real risk of losing affirmative action. Also visible in that light is the question whether affirmative action itself is (and always was) a mechanism of white supremacy.

The “Asian hate crime” narrative is out there because the Democrats have noticed that affirmative action is hurting them. They’re hoping that a few cheap words will let them paint Republicans as anti-Asian haters so that they won’t have to actually do anything to help Asian-Americans, especially since Biden’s administration has already undercut Asian race discrimination lawsuits.

Also, I suspect that the Biden Administration — which is quite obviously in bed with China — is trying to create a climate of opinion in which even raising concerns about China, and hence their supine posture regarding China, is considered racist. This echoes the existing propaganda line of the Chinese Communist Party, of course.


THAT’S FUNNY. I DREAM OF KAMALA HARRIS OUT OF THE PUBLIC EYE. FOREVER:  Kamala Harris Dreams of National Struggle Sessions.

It’s a beautiful dream, in which I don’t have to ponder if she’s dumb as rocks, or industrial grade evil.

Well, I guess “yes” is also a possibility.

CAN YOU SAY RACISM?  Whiteness: The New Pandemic.

Sure I knew you could. Just because it’s against white people, it doesn’t make it less racist, no matter what wokies tell themselves to sleep at night.


It happens when one is down but definitely not out and has had just.about.enough.

EVEN THE CONCEPT IS OFFICIALLY ANATHEMATIZED: Why don’t we oppose perversion anymore? “The arrest of Brett Blomme, a Democrat Milwaukee County children’s court judge, on child pornography charges has the people who put on the Drag Queen Story Hour program in Milwaukee scrambling to distance themselves from him.”