Archive for 2021

HEINLEIN’S CRAZY YEARS (CONT’D): Nickelodeon Ratings Crash Amid LGBTQ Push. “In the last two weeks, both Nickelodeon and its preschool-targeted network, Nick Jr., have released videos championing ‘trans,’ ‘queer,’ and ‘pansexual’ inclusion. One video that sparked mass outrage depicted a cartoon version of drag queen Nina West singing about various LGBTQIA groups “[loving] each other so proudly” on ‘Blues Clues and You,’ a show for two- to five-year olds. That same video showed a female-to-male transgender beaver who appeared to have post-operative surgical scars on its chest. “

EVOLUTION IN ACTION: Domestication changes the brain of farm-foxes. “For the study, scientists took advantage of a Russian farm-fox experiment that began in 1958. Several decades ago, researchers began breeding foxes in order to better understand how wolves became dogs.”

NEWS FROM MIAMI LAW: I got this email from Tony Varona, the outgoing dean of the University of Miami Law School, giving his side of the story:

I see that you have covered my termination.

I thought I would reach out to suggest a correction.

I did not fire Prof. Ravicher, nor decide not to renew his contract. We had him scheduled to teach this past spring semester and had planned for him to teach through at least the next academic year. We would not have decided whether to renew his contract until late in the fall 2021 semester, and his support of President Trump would have played no role in the decision whether to renew him. (We have many other community members here who supported President Trump.) In fact, I told Dan that it was important to me as dean and for our entire law school community to have conservative perspectives represented on our faculty. I do not know why Dan continues to say otherwise.

Prof. Michael Froomkin covered the matter on his blog. It’s an accurate account.

As Michael puts it: “He’s recently taken to social media – and even Fox TV – to claim he’s been fired for his pro-Trump tweets and other speech, or is about to be, or may not have his contract renewed when it expires. As far as I have been able to ascertain, at least the first two of these claims are simply false. The fate of the third lies well in the future.”

Hmm. Ravicher certainly seemed to think he was being fired. This entire affair just gets stranger. All of the InstaPundit coverage of this odd matter can be found here.

COLD WAR II: Feds Investigating Chinese Spies’ Return to US Ahead of COVID Travel Ban.

Intelligence officials are investigating why suspected Chinese spies returned to the United States on student and work visas at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to internal government documents reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon.

Hundreds of Chinese nationals are the subject of a federal probe after law enforcement officials flagged their travel at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Chinese nationals returned to the United States earlier than expected in January 2020, often having modified their travel plans. Then-president Donald Trump signed an executive order restricting entry from non-citizens and residents from China on Jan. 31, 2020.

Isn’t the “why” self-evident?

Plus: “Although intelligence officials have not concluded whether the hundreds of monitored students were confirmed spies, the students’ modified travel suggests that many Chinese nations were aware of the severity of COVID-19, in spite of assurances to the contrary from their government and U.S. health officials.”