GOOD: US scientists close to producing super-wheat resistant to deadly-rust variants.
We should be working on cold-resistant and short-growing-season strains, too.
GOOD: US scientists close to producing super-wheat resistant to deadly-rust variants.
We should be working on cold-resistant and short-growing-season strains, too.
IT’S GOOD TO BE THE NOMENKLATURA: Biden Hosting Huge July 4th Party After Telling States, Citizens Not to Hold Large Gatherings.
THE ROMANS’ CONTAINED POWDERED LEAD: Study: Many cosmetics contain unlisted, toxic ‘forever chemicals.’
[Harrison] Ford is 78 years old, so naturally his age is showing. He’s hardly the same man he was when Indiana Jones was first introduced to the public in 1981’s “Raiders of the Lost Ark.” Of course, nobody is expecting him to be the young and vigorous Indiana Jones, but seeing a worn-out man wearing a regulatory pandemic mask fits all too poetically into our current age of malaise and lack of creativity.
Growing up in Bosnia (former Yugoslavia) and being completely obsessed with American culture and movies, I loved watching the adventures of Indiana Jones. Those repeated musical notes indicating Indy’s triumph over the bad guys (Nazis, to be precise), his leather jacket, fedora, and whip, his insistence that all the artifacts that he seeks “belong in a museum!”—all of these were part of my excitement as a young girl seeing the signs of American optimism. I still watch the movies and I still love them, despite the fact that now I can notice filming inconsistencies. None of it matters because the original trilogy captures the American spirit that destroys the bad guys.
Whether the latest “Indiana Jones” film will be good or not is beside the point. What’s interesting is that our artistic elite is not creating new forms of film, or any other art form for that matter, to capture that spirit. By no means am I denying the past, which we should always be aware of, but at some point, films like these become yet another journey into nostalgia and presumably (and mostly!) the search for more money.
The late Gene Siskel once wrote that for him, the test of a whether or not a movie was any good was, “Is this film more interesting than a documentary of the same actors having lunch?” Unlike 2008’s Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, hopefully the upcoming Raiders of the Lost Ark sequel will at least clear that low bar.
BREAKING UP IS EASY TO DO: Atlanta May Be Headed for a Final Divorce as Communities Nationwide Seek to Redraw the Lines. “Buckhead, a portion of Atlanta, Georgia, is looking to break free from the rest of a city in rapid decline. After decades of increased safety that started ahead of the 1996 Olympic Games in Atlanta, it took one woman and a single summer to ruin it. Not even New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio can beat Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms’ time for running a city into the ground. It took de Blasio two terms. Bottoms has been so spectacular she’s announced she won’t even run for a second one.”
WHEN I WAS A TEENAGER THEY GAVE ME DARVON AND WYGESIC, NEITHER OF WHICH DID A LOT: Study finds wide range of effective migraine treatments, but not opioids. I don’t get migraines nearly as often any more (in my teens I got two or three a week), but when I do a big slug of ibuprofen seems to work better than any fancy migraine medicines.
VODKAPUNDIT PRESENTS YOUR DAILY INSANITY WRAP: California’s $100 Million Bailout for… POT SELLERS? Yes, Pot Sellers.
So much more at the link, you’d have to be crazy to miss it.
TATER, MASHED: CNN’s Brian Stelter draws smallest audience of 2021 as Reliable Sources gets crushed by MediaBuzz. “Fox News’ ‘MediaBuzz,’ which is Stelter’s direct timeslot competition, averaged 1.1 million viewers to beat the struggling CNN show by a whopping 41 percent. Fox News aired 12 different programs on Sunday alone that attracted a larger audience than ‘Reliable Sources.’”
AT GOVERNOR ABBOTT’S INVITATION: Trump to Visit Southern Border to ‘Shine a Spotlight’ on Biden’s ‘Crimes Against Our Nation.’
POINTS AND FIGURES: Pins And Needles For Fed Meeting. “Unfortunately, policymakers didn’t think out of the box on Covid. They didn’t follow data, and were imprisoned by bureaucracy and old ideas. They were unable to critically think in a hyper-politicized environment.”
HMM: CDC: Few Pregnant Women Received COVID Shot. Well, most pregnant women are in a low-risk demographic.
YOU MIGHT NOT BE INTERESTED IN THE GLEICHSCHALTUNG BUT THE GLEICHSCHALTUNG IS INTERESTED IN YOU: U of Oklahoma volleyball player shut out of program due to rejection of ‘social justice.’
GRANNY-KILLER CUOMO: Report Confirms: Yes, Gov. Cuomo Killed the Elderly.
HYPERSONIC MISSILE CASUALTY: The Navy’s Railgun Is Finally Dead.
The U.S. Navy’s push to create a $500 million electromagnetic railgun weapon—capable of slinging projectiles at hypersonic speeds—appears to have come to an end. The service is ending funding for the railgun without having sent a single weapon to sea, while pushing technology derived from the program into existing weapons.
The weapon is a victim of a change in the Navy’s direction toward faster, longer-range weapons that are capable of striking ships and land targets in a major war.
Just because it’s very cool technology doesn’t mean it was the right technology. Still, I’d love to see some other application for it.
MANDATORY INDOCTRINATION: Top-ranked law school to mandate critical race theory course for graduation.
CANCEL CULTURE IS ALL IN YOUR MIND: A Young Composer Condemned Arson and Then the Mob Came for Him. Hard.