Archive for 2020


OF COURSE THEY ARE. LEFTISM IS HATE. Roger Kimball: On testing positive: The left is in a paroxysm of delight over the President’s diagnosis. “Naturally, everyone, of whatever political stripe, immediately put partisan animosity to one in order to wish the President and First Lady of the United States a speedy and complete deliverance from the virus. Just kidding. The left has acted with stunning (though to be frank, not unexpected) viciousness.”

CONSPIRACY TO DEPRIVE PEOPLE OF CIVIL RIGHTS: Woman charged with using minors to steal Trump, Stefanik campaign signs. “Sheriff’s deputies say 45 year old Deana Algarin drove 6 minors around so they could steal campaign signs. . . . She’s charged with 6 counts of endangering the welfare of a child, criminal possession of stolen property, petit larceny, as well as marijuana possession and 2 citations for seatbelt violations.”

LAYERS AND LAYERS OF FACT-CHECKERS, PART 758: It’s not often that the left-biased Daily Beast tells readers about bad journalism produced by other left wing organizations, but Maxwell Tani did just that here.

“Since at least 2015, the Times has heard—and, in several cases, dismissed—warnings that Callimachi got stories wrong, questions about the legitimacy of her sourcing, and concerns about her treatment of sensitive source material. Now, revelations that one of Callimachi’s biggest stories may have been based on a hoax has resurfaced old warnings and questions that colleagues, experts, and sources previously raised about her reporting.”

Instapundit readers ought to be familiar with the problem of a “superstar” being seriously questioned, only to have The Times circle the wagons (s.o.p.) and “stand by her reporting.”

“If she told me it was sunny outside, I’d double check,” one senior Times journalist told The Daily Beast[…] A spokesperson for the Times defended Callimachi’s work on Wednesday evening, saying, “Rukmini is a brave and talented reporter whose body of work has shed new light on how ISIS functioned, attracted recruits, and stayed in power…”

Interestingly, Callamachi has published several stories damaging to the “conventional wisdom” of the left-wing media, so perhaps this is something of another editorial purge against reporters who (gasp!) seek out facts and editors who “platform” un-woke ideas. It will be interesting to see what The Times does here.

THE DEMAND FOR RACIAL HATE CRIMES EXCEEDS THE SUPPLY: Police, federal law enforcement find no evidence biracial Madison woman was attacked. “There had been questions about the veracity of the woman’s report because, unlike in other crimes that occur Downtown, police never released video stills of the incident or possible suspects in attempt to find the perpetrators. Very little of the public parts of Downtown are hidden from dozens of city-owned cameras and other private surveillance cameras police have access to.”

Also, the woman, Althea Bernstein, looks about as black as Rachel Dolezal. Not saying that she isn’t really biracial, but she doesn’t seem like someone who’d be targeted by someone out to get a black person.

Plus: “Bernstein said the attack happened at around 1 a.m., or about 20 minutes after a group of people threw a Molotov cocktail through a window of the City-County Building in the Downtown, starting a small fire. The firebombing was part of a larger Black Lives Matter protest in which protesters tore down two statues on the Capitol Square, including one of a Union Civil War soldier and abolitionist.”

But when she showed up at the hospital with burns, she blamed four white men in “floral shirts.”

ARE FAMILY DECLINE, RADICAL POLITICAL ACTIVISM LINKED? Institute for Family Studies’ Nichola Zill zeroes in on a new study that found married folks significantly more likely to vote than unmarried adults, as well as another that suggests having children is a greater motivator of community involvement, including casting ballots on election day. Never-married adults are more likely to engage in protests or other similar activities.

Zill concludes: “These results bolster concerns that current trends toward delayed family formation and non-formation may well be having negative effects on the healthy functioning of many communities and of American democracy in general.”

2020, MAN: A friend on Facebook sums things up: “Let’s see, we’ve got UFO materials in a Nevada warehouse, probable alien life on Venus, a conceptual pathway to paradox-free time travel, commercial fusion relatively near, Martian subsurface lakes, time crystals (yes, everything in this list is real), multiple Russo-Turkish proxy wars, and now the President of the United States has COVID-19.”

VODKAPUNDIT PRESENTS YOUR DAILY INSANITY WRAP: Obsessed Left Wants Everyone Who Isn’t Them to Just Die Already.

Insanity Wrap needs to know: Remember that whole “Love Trumps Hate” thing?

Answer: Yeah, us neither. We would like to take a moment to wish Donald and Melania Trump and Hope Hicks swift recoveries.

Before we get to the sordid details, a quick preview of today’s Wrap.

  • Hammertime! The video antifa doesn’t want you to see.
  • Former White House doc expects Donald & Melania to be just fine.
  • Progress: Biden’s coronavirus number is off this time by only 873-to-1.

And so much more at the link, you’d have to be crazy to miss it.

COLD WAR II: Public University Professor Routinely Writes Articles for Chinese Propaganda Outlet. “Grand Valley State University (GVSU) professor Joel Wendland-Liu has written multiple articles for China Global Television Network (CGTN), which is owned and operated by the Chinese government. According to detailed reports from the Guardian, Beijing has purchased several media outlets to ‘tell China’s story well’ as part of a larger worldwide propaganda campaign. CGTN is one of them. It pushes an anti-capitalist, anti-American narrative that many experts believe advances the Chinese Communist Party’s global influence.”

Force the CCP to divest.

OUT OF A WORK FORCE OF 1,372,000: Amazon reveals over 19,000 workers got COVID-19. “According to the company’s own analysis of 1,372,000 Amazon and Whole Foods Market front-line employees across the country, the 19,816 number is substantially lower than the general population rate, as reported by Johns Hopkins University. . . . Amazon said it found that the workforce case count would have been 33,952 using the general population rate.”

Not included in this story: Number of deaths or hospitalizations. It’s just employees who “have tested positive or been presumed positive for COVID-19 since the pandemic began.” I went to the actual Amazon report but it doesn’t provide those numbers either.

REPARATIONS? LET’S TALK COVID LOCKDOWN REPARATIONS: Ethan Yang of the American Institute for Economic Research means business.