Archive for 2020

FRUITS OF THE POISONOUS LEFTY TREE: Former Fairfax police officer murdered in Wisconsin in alleged hate crime, police say.

Phillip A. Thiessen, 55, was riding his motorcycle in Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin when investigators say a man intentionally swerved his truck into the motorcycle because he believed all Harley riders to be “white racists.”

Daniel Navarro, 27, is held on a $1 million bond and is facing charges of first-degree intentional homicide – hate crime, use of a dangerous weapon, and first-degree recklessly endangering safety – hate crime.

Thiessen was a former Marine and served as a police officer in the City of Fairfax from 1990 until his retirement in 2016, and later worked for the Wisconsin Department of Justice Internet Crimes Against Children unit.

It’s unsurprising that so much loud hate from the left leads to crimes of violence against the innocent.

DAVID FRIEDMAN: Cases vs Deaths: The Covid Puzzle. “One would expect deaths to lag detected cases by two or three weeks, but the increase started in early June and, as of July 5th, a month later, there is no visible increase in the death rate.”

OPEN THREAD: Facts all come with points of view, facts don’t do what I want them to.

STAND UP TO THE MOB: Goya Foods CEO won’t apologize in face of boycott, backlash for pro-Trump remarks: ‘Suppression of speech.’

Buy something from Goya to show your support. There’s some stuff here.

UPDATE: Boycott Hamilton? Lin-Manuel Miranda jumps into the Goya boycott.

If the right is going to play this like the left, it’s not enough just to skip Hamilton. It’s got to shut down the theaters that want to show it, and make people afraid to buy tickets or perform in it, or even talk about watching it on Disney+. Because that’s how things go these days, apparently.

I BLAME OUR HYSTERICAL MEDIA: ‘Broken heart syndrome’ rising under stress of pandemic. “The condition — which doctors call stress cardiomyopathy — appears similar to a heart attack, with symptoms such as chest pain and breathlessness. But its cause is different: Experts believe it reflects a temporary weakness in the heart muscle owing to a surge in stress hormones.”

Think of the media as the tobacco companies of information and . . . well, to be honest, you’re still probably being too charitable.

IT WOULD TAKE A HEART OF STONE NOT TO LAUGH: “In San Francisco, where many locals push for… police reform, those same locals are tired of the break-ins.”

But as usual, the virtue-signaling turns out to come from a place of class privilege: “Taking security private and avoiding the limitations that apply to the police… who can object? Surely not the ‘locals’ who are calling for an end to the police, but how will they get credit for their virtue if they themselves engage in behavior that is beyond what the law permits the police to do?”