Archive for 2020

PREDICTION: Universities, etc. will close, but about two weeks later than would do the most good. After a couple of months, we’ll reach a point at which there will be a pivot, and we’ll just go on like it was a flu outbreak. This won’t so much be because there’s no problem, as because we can’t keep things closed any longer. With luck, what closings, etc. we’ve had will push the main outbreak into the warm months, when it will — probably — not be as bad. Long-term, there will be a boost for online education and telecommuting, not so much out of fear of future outbreaks as because people will get used to it and see the benefits.

OPEN THREAD: Ring in the weekend with your customary grace and wit.

CORONAVIRUS UPDATE: SXSW is canceled over coronavirus concerns.

Virus cases top 100,000 in 90 countries as markets take dive.

VP Pence says 21 people on the Grand Princess cruise ship off California coast have tested positive for coronavirus.

Timeline: How coronavirus got started.

Italy reports biggest daily jump in death toll.

White House imposes guest restrictions amid new coronavirus concerns.

Astonishing photos reveal how coronavirus has left world landmarks deserted.

Telecommuting: Wall Street traders head to the suburbs as Citigroup joins other banks taking coronavirus precaution.

Campbell Soup is increasing production to prepare for coronavirus demand.

Coronavirus in Italy is causing travelers to cancel trips.

South Korea confirms 196 new coronavirus cases, total 6,284; deaths up by 7 to 42.

South Korea has tested 140,000 people for the coronavirus. That could explain why its death rate is just 0.6% — far lower than in China or the US.

Samsung to shift some smartphone production to Vietnam due to coronavirus.

Richard Engel: ‘Skeptical’ of the decreasing coronavirus cases out of China.

Pompeo faults ‘imperfect’ coronavirus data from China.

China Pushes Back as Coronavirus Crisis Damages Its Image: The country is appealing for sympathy while attacking those who blame its leadership for making the situation worse.

Why the CDC botched its coronavirus testing: The first testing kits from the Centers for Disease Control had a simple fault, and red tape prevented other labs from creating their own.

Survey of Nation’s Frontline Registered Nurses Shows Hospitals Unprepared For COVID-19. “Responses from more than 6,500 nurses in 48 states, including the District of Columbia and the Virgin Islands, show that high percentages of hospitals do not have plans, isolation procedures, and policies in place for COVID-19; that communication to staff by employers is poor or nonexistent; that hospitals are lacking sufficient stocks of personal protective equipment (PPE) or are not making current stocks available to staff; and have not provided training and practice to staff on how to properly use PPE.”

HAHAHAHA: Gun Owners of America Applies for a Red Flag Order for Senator Charles Schumer. “It should be interesting to see if a judge will simply dismiss this as unfounded, ruling that Schumer’s public statement was mere political hyperbole. Even after the Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court has [said] Schumer’s statement was ‘threatening’ and ‘dangerous.’ . . . Let’s sit back and watch the two-tier legal system at work. Will Schumer’s threat draw the same law enforcement attention you would attract if you tweeted that same statement about a couple of highly placed officials in the judicial branch.”

AGE IN THE 21ST CENTURY: Trump is 73, the same age Bob Dole was in 1996, when he was treated as absurdly old, and Trump’s Democratic opponents are 4 or 5 years older than that.

73 in 2020 is different than 73 in 1996. Some of that is medical progress. But from the comments: “In 1996 the boomers were in their 30s and 40s so it was fun to make fun of older people. Now that boomers are old people it is fun to think of old people as young and vigorous.”

Plus: “A quarter century later, Bob Dole is still alive.”