Archive for 2020

DON’T GET COCKY: 37 States. “I said 37 states in January. I say 37 states in July because Democrats have done not one thing to win over Trump voters, who were enough in number to win 30 states and the presidency in 2016. Seven more Hillary states will flip. I mean, does anyone seriously believe Minnesotans will not switch to President Trump after the George Floyd riots? We shall see.”

SO BY ENCOURAGING PROTESTS THAT VIOLATE SOCIAL-DISTANCING, BILL DE BLASIO WANTS BLACKS AND LATINOS TO DIE? CDC data highlight racial disparities in spread, scope of COVID-19 pandemic. “More than 34 percent of Hispanic and Latin Americans who died from COVID-19 across the United States were younger than 65, an analysis released Friday by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found. About 30 percent of black Americans who died from COVID-19 also were younger than 65, compared to just over 13 percent of white Americans younger than 65 who died from the disease, CDC said.”


Had she pursued, say, stand-up comedy, [Valerie] Solanas might have tempered in a crucible of criticism and feedback, positive and negative.

Sand down her edges and she could easily be mistaken for another misanthropic lesbian who was embraced by Warhol ten years later: Essayist Fran Lebowitz.

Heck, maybe even our Florence — Miss King.

It’s fairly easy to imagine both women saying something like Solanas did in a 1977 interview, ten years before her death:

“I consider it immoral that I missed. I should have done target practice.”

Regular readers know I’m somewhat obsessed with the notion that “ideas have consequences.” We can at least be grateful that Valerie Solanas has merely inspired a good movie, some mediocre art and the name of a music group, rather than murderous copycats who might not have missed.

Although, as 2020 more and more resembles 1968 but with worse music, I’m obliged to add a prophylactic “yet.”

Read the whole thing.

CASHLESS ONLY: COVID-19 Frenzy Jumpstarts the Cashless Society.

My latest is just for our VIP member, so if you’ve been thinking of joining, you can do so here — and don’t forget to use that VODKAPUNDIT discount code.


Investigators say they have found the perp and ripped off the mask.

COLLEGE STATION, Texas (KBTX) – In a report released to KBTX on Thursday, police at Texas A&M University said a student who reported finding racist notes on his car’s windshield last month may have placed the papers there himself. However, the 21-year-old at the center of the case strongly denies those claims.

Isaih Martin, a senior at A&M, called police on the afternoon of Wednesday, June 24, to report finding three handwritten notes on his car that said “All lives matter” and “You don’t belong here.” The third note contained the N-word.

They got him via video from a security camera at a swimming pool in the area.

As Roger Kimball wrote when Jussie Smollett’s story broke last year, “The less hate there is in the United States, the more hate crimes must be manufactured in order to keep the Fraternal Order of Victims afloat.”

‘DEFUND THE POLICE’ ISN’T WORKING FOR DEMS IN CLOSE SENATE RACES: RealClearPolitics’ Susan Crabtree takes a deep dive on how the issue has forced Democrats like Theresa Greenfield to step like she’s barefoot in a field full of fresh cow pies.

HERE’S WHAT KEEPS TWO DEM STRATEGISTS AWAKE AT NIGHT: Yes, Biden looks like he’s headed to a November landslide against President Donald Trump. But did you know that Biden has gained only four points over Trump since the latest coronavirus panic began? Here’s two veteran Democratic campaign strategists who point to manifold reasons Democrats are celebrating prematurely. And on CNN, of all places!

DIVER PROPULSION DEVICE: U.S. Marines with Force Reconnaissance Company, 3rd Reconnaissance Battalion, 3rd Marine Division, complete an open circuit dive during a Diver Propulsion Device certification course at Camp Schwab, Okinawa, Japan. Photo taken June 23, 2020.