Archive for 2020

OPEN THREAD: And we’re having fun with no money. So stay up late!

AN L.A. COP SURVEYS THE DAMAGE: Demoralizing the Police. As cops become objects of derision and scorn, violent crime soars in American cities.

BECAUSE IT’S A BLUE STATE. DUH. Why Isn’t California Criticized Like Florida on Covid-19? “The pundits always single out Florida. Or Texas. Or Arizona. Or all three. . . . Virtually everything you can say about Texas, Florida and Arizona can also be said about California, starting with the shape of its Covid curve, which climbs gradually until mid-June and then explodes. . . . Another similarity is that the number of people who have died of Covid-19 in California is remarkably low — just more than 6,500 in a state of almost 40 million people. In Arizona, the number of deaths just crossed 2,000. In Florida, 4,009 deaths have been recorded, and in Texas, the number is 2,813. New Jersey has recorded more deaths than all four states combined.”

Think of the press as a psychological warfare operation targeted at normal Americans and you won’t go far wrong.

TRAPPING PEOPLE IN THEIR CARS AND THREATENING THEM IS INHERENTLY VIOLENT AND VERY DANGEROUS: Portland Rioters Surround Car and Driver Shoots His Way Out. The people doing it enjoy the feeling of power it gives them over someone helpless; but there’s no guarantee that the person they’re threatening is actually helpless.