Archive for 2020

ROGER KIMBALL: Waiting for Sidney.

The other main position—and let me hasten to acknowledge that it is mine—is that this election was riddled with voter fraud. Nor was it the usual taken-for-granted and (between us sophisticated men of the world) acceptable margin of fraud but a planned and systematic assault on the integrity of our election that overturned a convincing victory for Donald Trump.

I believe this partly because of the stunning statistical anomalies in the election—I have written about this several times (here, for example, and here).

But I believe the election was fraudulent for other reasons as well. Perhaps the chief reason has to do with the allegations put forward by Sidney Powell, a prominent attorney who is part of President Trump’s legal team. She has laid out her case many times in the last couple of weeks, including at an “opening statement” press conference on November 19 at which she, Rudy Giuliani, Jenna Ellis, and other members of Trump’s legal team offered a précis of their case.

Their presentation was widely, if not quite universally, condemned by the media. “Where is the evidence?” was one cry, but another, less articulate though more insistent was “Evidence be damned, just shut up and get Trump out of office!”

Suddenly, a lot of people were imitating the state of Missouri, responding to every allegation with the demand “Show me!” Tucker Carlson delighted Trump’s enemies and enraged his friends by pointedly asking what evidence Powell had. He later updated his comments, noting that if Powell is right, she has, almost single-handedly, uncovered what is perhaps the biggest political crime in our nation’s history.

Let the truth come out.

THE BEIJING JOB: China now blaming Italy for starting Wuhan coronavirus pandemic.

Which is an interesting turn of events considering that in Febuary, the Chinese government encouraged Italians to fight Coronavirus racism by hugging strangers: “Titled ‘Italian residents hug Chinese people to encourage them in coronavirus fight,’ the brief video shows a handsome, casually dressed young Chinese man standing in a busy pedestrian area in Florence. He’s blindfolded and wearing a surgical mask, next to a handwritten sign reading the following in Italian and Chinese: ‘I am not a virus. I am a human being. Free me from prejudice.’ Then, as stirring electronic music swells, passersby hug him and touch his face to remove his blindfold and mask. So much for ‘social distancing.’ This was released on February 4, 2020. Six weeks later, Italy now has more active coronavirus cases than anywhere else in the world, and the entire country has completely shut down.”

NBC NEWS: Chinese parts, hidden ownership, growing scrutiny: Inside America’s biggest maker of voting machines. “The source of the nation’s voting machines has become an urgent issue because of real fears that hackers, whether foreign or domestic, might tamper with the mechanics of the voting system. That has led to calls for ES&S and its competitors, Denver-based Dominion Voting Systems and Austin, Texas-based Hart Intercivic, to reveal details about their ownership and the origins of the parts, some of which come from China, that make up their machines.”

This story is from 2019, of course. If you raise the same concerns today you’re a conspiracy theorist. (Bumped).

NEW ELITE PRESSURE TO SAVE PARIS AGREEMENT: Capital Research Center’s (CRC) Robert Stilson pulls back the curtains on BankFWD, a new effort among rich donors on the Left “to pressure major banks to commit to phasing out financing for (and investment in) oil and gas companies unless those companies have a ‘credible strategy to transition in line with limiting global warming to 1.5° [Celsius].'”

Just in case you don’t know, Stilson explains, “that is the aspirational global warming cap envisioned in the Paris Agreement. It’s worth noting that few countries ‘have come anywhere close to meeting the Agreement’s goals.’”

If you worry about freezing to death in the first winter after the oil and gas industry is finally throttled into its grave, don’t, as we can all be assured that we’ll get a couple of hours of warmth each day from all those solar panels and wind turbines.

YOU CAN’T SAY THAT ON YOUTUBE: LifeSite has had its YouTube channel turned off for a week because it posted a video of a Canadian doctor explaining why he believes the Coronavirus Pandemic is “the greatest hoax ever perpetrated.”

This action is a “first strike” against LifeSite. Get three strikes on YouTube and you are banned permanently. That is known as “de-platforming.” Which should also be known as YouTube cutting off its nose to spite its face.

Or to put it another way, the first strike is a hard slap up the side of your face. A second strike is a gut punch to the belly. Third strike is the bullet in the back of the head. You do what you are told, to quote Dr. Faux Chi.

WARNOCK’S SUPPORT FOR JEREMIAH WRIGHT COMES UNDER NEW SCRUTINY: Warnock was, in his own words, ‘dispatched’ to defend Wright.

Georgia Senate candidate Raphael Warnock’s ties to Rev. Jeremiah Wright have come under scrutiny as his runoff is one of few remaining races determining the balance of power in Congress.

Warnock, also a reverend, notably praised Wright, a former pastor to Barack Obama, after his “God Damn America” sermon surfaced during the 2008 election cycle. Some Obama advisers worried at the time that the matter might sink his candidacy.

“No no no, not God bless America, God damn America, that’s in the Bible, for killing innocent people, God damn America for treating her citizens as less than human, God damn America as long as she tries to act like she is God and she is supreme,” Wright had said.

Warnock was, in his own words, “dispatched” to defend Wright after a tape of the 2003 sermon emerged.

And the hits just keep on coming:

Warnock, 2009: Socialism is supported by Scripture, you know.

Rev. Raphael Warnock dodges question on Fidel Castro ‘lovefest.’

Warnock: Americans Must ‘Repent’ for Backing Trump and ‘Worship of Whiteness.’

Omar Backs Warnock: ‘Nobody Can Serve God and the Military.’

Georgia Senate Candidate Raphael Warnock, Continues To Spew Hateful Bigoted Comments.

Why, it’s as if: Democrat Senate Nominee in Georgia Runoff, Raphael Warnock, Is Beyond Radical.


The fact of the matter is Biden’s call for unity is like the kid in your class who lost every game, but always shouted ‘starting now’ only after he was ahead. In the days since Biden asked Republicans to turn the other cheek, his old boss Barack Obama launched his book promotion by claiming that Trump only won in 2016 because too many Americans are racists. Obama followed that left hook to Main Street America by then denigrating Trump as a dictator despite the fact that it was Obama who arrested and investigated journalists during his presidency.

So, you see, according to Democrats, if not for the Supreme Court in 2000, fixed voting machines in 2004, and Russian interference in 2016, no Republican would have won the presidency since 1988. One legacy of Trump is he taught Republicans how to fight back. Thus, what’s good for the goose is good for the gander. Biden will now serve under a cloud of suspicion and feel the heat as investigators dig into every nook and cranny of his family’s life. If Republicans pick up the handful of seats they now need to take back the US House in 2022, Biden and the Democrats will rue the day they made Schiff their attack dog.

Turnabout is fair play, especially in politics.

Meanwhile, America’s Newspaper of Record explores the other side of the equation: Study Finds Connection Between Believing Russia Rigged 2016 Election And Believing 2020 Election Was Foolproof.


I LOVE THIS IDEA: Biden Is Crowdfunding His Own Transition. Now, Do the Federal Government. “Ironically, Biden’s success in fundraising for the transition may demonstrate that key government functions need not rely on tax dollars. If Joe Biden can fundraise for his transition team, perhaps the federal government should rely on crowdfunding, rather than compulsory taxation, for more of its functions.”


You know, guys, it wouldn’t be so bad if these wanna-be idolaters weren’t continuously choosing the worst, craziest people to worship.