Archive for 2020

ENOUGH READING TO LAST A LIFETIME:  Bill Ever’s has posted a great bibliography which he has titled “The Crisis in Civil Rights:  Best Books and Articles on Race, Police, and the Welfare State.”  It’s really four reading lists–one on anti-semitism, one on police reform, one on poverty and the welfare state, and one on race and civil rights.  You won’t run out of things to read.  Highly recommended.

P.J. O’ROURKE: This is why millennials adore socialism.

Kids were thinking these exact same sweet-young-thing thoughts back in the 1960s, during my salad days (tossed green sensimilla buds). Young people probably have been thinking these same thoughts since the concept of being a “young person” was invented.

That would have been in the 19th century — during America’s first “Progressive Era” — when mechanization liberated kids from onerous farm chores and child labor laws let them escape from child labor.

This gave young people the leisure to sit around noticing that the world isn’t nice and daydreaming about how it could be made nicer with the time, effort and money of grown-ups.

I’m all for sending them back to the factories or, at least, the barn. If I hear any socialist noise from my kids I’m going to make them get up at 4 a.m. to milk the cows. And this will be an extra-onerous farm chore because we don’t have any cows, and they’ll have to search for miles all over the countryside to find some.

Heh. Read the whole thing.


Think of journalism as a psychological warfare operation against normal Americans and you won’t go far wrong.

GIVEN SEATTLE’S CONSCIOUS DECISION TO TURN ITSELF INTO A SHITHOLE, WHO CAN BLAME THEM? Amazon takes another major step to abandon Seattle. “The news doesn’t come as a shock. The Seattle City Council renewed their effort to target Amazon for onerous, vindictive, and a jobs-punishing payroll tax. They passed Seattle City Councilmember Teresa Mosqueda’s dubiously titled ‘JumpStart Seattle’ legislation. Mosqueda, a future mayoral hopeful, promised her tax would help jump start the local economy. But it’s doing the opposite. Businesses large and small warned the council of this move. But Mosqueda and the council ignored the pleas of businesses, most of which were already hit hard by the coronavirus pandemic. And where socialist Kshama Sawant has failed, Mosqueda may succeed: running Amazon out of town. While it may delight her base of fringe progressives and socialists, if you don’t have Amazon to tax, it’s unclear where this out-of-control council will find the funds for their ideologically-driven programs.”

In a just society, they’d wind up hanging from lampposts, but in our society they’ll probably get cushy jobs with left-wing nonprofits.

OPEN THREAD: Make it your own.


The pattern is a form of insanity: We keep doing overzealous fire suppression across California landscapes where the fire poses little risk to people and structures. As a result, wildland fuels keep building up. At the same time, the climate grows hotter and drier. Then, boom: the inevitable. The wind blows down a power line, or lightning strikes dry grass, and an inferno ensues. This week we’ve seen both the second- and third-largest fires in California history. “The fire community, the progressives, are almost in a state of panic,” Ingalsbee said. There’s only one solution, the one we know yet still avoid. “We need to get good fire on the ground and whittle down some of that fuel load.”

California is a failed state.

NEWS YOU CAN USE: The Importance of Securing Your Carry Gun. My own rule is that any gun that isn’t on my person is locked up. That’s not because of kids, but because if anyone broke into my house and shot me with one of my own guns, I’d be embarrassed. Happily, though, my mother would never unload one of my guns as a “favor.”