Archive for 2020

KYLE SMITH: The real reason Chris Matthews was fired from MSNBC. “Chris Matthews didn’t get fired for being a sex monster. He got fired for doing his job. And what was that job? To represent the non-crazy, ‘No Kool-Aid for me, thanks’ Left on television, while being entertaining and pointed and wacky.”

A FANTASTIC NIGHT . . . IF YOU DON’T LIKE BLOOMBERG, WARREN, OR SANDERS. “And hey, Tulsi Gabbard won a delegate in American Samoa!”

UPDATE (FROM GLENN): I love this bit: “Bloomberg spent a half-billion dollars to win American Samoa and a handful of delegates here and there across 15 states. It is the most expensive failure in American political history. The 2020 Bloomberg campaign makes the past efforts of H. Ross Perot, Steve Forbes, Michael Huffington, and Jon Corzine look tightfisted.”

THIS PUTS HUNTER’S BEHAVIOR IN A WHOLE NEW LIGHT: Joe Biden Confuses Sister for Wife. But he can laugh all the way to the memory care center: “Following his South Carolina victory on Saturday, Biden won North Carolina, Virginia, Alabama, Minnesota, Massachusetts, Tennessee, Arkansas, and Oklahoma on Tuesday.”

UPDATE: Seen on Facebook:

UPDATE (From Ed): “BREAKING: Ilhan Omar endorses Joe Biden for president!”, Steven Crowder tweets. Heh, indeed.™

WHY THE PRESS HATES ACTUAL VOTERS: Democratic Primary Voters Decisively Rejected the Media’s Favorite Candidates.

Indeed, the media stumped for Warren so hard that Vox’s Matt Yglesias recently had to write a post explaining to people why she was losing “even if all your friends love her.” By your friends, he meant friends of people like you, a reader of Vox. Yglesias famously described Vox’s audience as “a graduate of or student at a selective college (which also describes the staff and our social peers)” and lamented that “if you assigned me the job of serving a less-educated audience [I’d] probably need to think about how to change things up.” He’s right; outside the Vox bubble, there was little interest in the kind of cultural progressivism represented by Warren.

Heh. Indeed. Plus: “The idea that any other candidate had a particularly likely shot at the nomination was always pundit-driven misdirection from a class of commentators demanding more interesting, intersectional characters, because the commentators themselves are more interested in identity-based diversity than the rest of the country.”


Bill Weld would object to that formulation of the race as “essentially uncontested,” but well, Bill Weld.


Elizabeth Warren has all the answers, a plan for every disaster and the hectoring manner of a professor whose class are dozing off after lunch. Unfortunately, the voters don’t believe any of it.

‘I’m in this race because I believe I will make the best president of the United States of America,’ Warren insisted at a rally in Detroit, Michigan on the afternoon of Super Tuesday. Meanwhile the voters of Massachusetts went to the polls and disagreed.

And now her presidential bid is down to 1/1024th of a chance.


UPDATE: From the comments: “For his next trick, Trump will make the Democrats defend the Patriot Act.”

TENNESSEE TORNADO UPDATE: 88 People Still Unaccounted for in Putnam County. I was in class and faculty meetings most of the day (we’re in the process of picking a new Dean) and the news has just gone from bad to much worse.

MEANWHILE, OVER AT VODKAPUNDIT: Drunkblogging Super Tuesday. “Brokered Democratic conventions are fun, provided you’re watching from a safe distance. Via satellite. And have a Praetorian guard of riot cops with firehoses.” (Bumped, by Glenn).

THAT WOULD BE FUN: Tulsi Gabbard might have just qualified for the next Democratic debate. “Now, after Super Tuesday results show that she placed second and won a delegate in American Samoa, it appears Gabbard may have qualified for the next Democratic debate. If the qualification rules going forward stay the same that they were for the Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada, and South Carolina debates, then you would only need to win a single delegate to earn a spot on the debate stage. Under this standard, Gabbard would now qualify.”

If they change the rules to keep her out, that will also be interesting.

OPEN THREAD: Is there anything to talk about today?