Archive for 2020

RED THROUGH AND THROUGH: Former Prisoner Recalls Sanders Saying, ‘I Don’t Know What’s So Wrong’ With Cuba.

American Alan Gross, a prisoner in Cuba for five years during the Obama administration, is accusing Sen. Bernie Sanders of commending the communist country when he came to visit him behind bars.

Sanders visited Cuba as part of a congressional delegation in 2014, along with Sens. Heidi Heitkamp and Jon Tester.

During the one-hour meeting, Sanders told the prisoner that he didn’t understand why others criticized Cuba, Gross said in an interview with NPR.

“He said, quote: ‘I don’t know what’s so wrong with this country,’ ” Gross recalled.

Sanders’ campaign declined to comment about the meeting with Gross, and Tester said he did not recall the discussion.

Plus: “The first year of my captivity was akin to sensory deprivation because I saw about 20 minutes of sunlight during the first year.”

LESSON OF THE DAY FOR PROGRESSIVES: Between Professor Susan Estrich running Dukakis’s campaign into the ground in 1988, Larry Lessig’s presidential campaign, and Warren’s embarrassing flop on Super Tuesday, including third place in Massachusetts, maybe it’s time to conclude that the faculty of Harvard Law School doesn’t have its finger on the pulse of America.


KRUISER’S MORNING BRIEF: Super Tuesday—Fauxcahontas Farewell Edition. “Super Tuesday was a super bust for the super unlikable Elizabeth Warren, the truth-challenged former Native American from Massachusetts. In her bid for the ‘Worst Candidate of This Cycle’ title, Warren wasn’t even the favorite socialist in her home state, where she finished third.”

For once, Kruiser is too kind.


In the context of proliferating contagion and human suffering, the U.S. offer to Iran of aid and selective sanctions relief was an act of real generosity, despite the nations’ political antagonism.

Read the entire column.

LIGHTNINGS: As in a P-38 Lightning flying beside an F-35A Lightning II. The next photo is a static display shot of the P-38 and F-35 taken in 2006 at Lockheed Martin’s Fort Worth, Texas facility. From the history vault, a 9th Air Force P-38 “warms up” for action during the Battle of the Bulge. Last but by no means least, a “decades of air power” heritage flight photo from 2009: An F-86 Sabre, a P-38, an F-4 Phantom and an A-10 Thunderbolt II overfly Nellis AFB, Nevada.

WHITEWASHING THE REDS: Who’s to Blame for Socialism’s Rehabilitation among Young Voters?