Archive for 2020

TAMARA KEEL: Review: FN 503 Subcompact Handgun. “I have to apologize to FN for my lack of faith. Because the FN 503 is a pistol that is obviously a clean-sheet-of-paper design, domestically produced right here in South Carolina, and aimed right at the U.S. concealed-carry market.”

I REJECT YOUR REALITY AND SUBSTITUTE MY OWN: There’s a petition at Chapman University to remove the busts of free-market heroes like Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher, and Milton Friedman. The only reason given for removing Friedman is that he “inferred [sic] that Free Market Conservatism would solve racism.” Who would they put in their place? “Angela Davis, Malcolm X, Harvey Milk, Nelson Mandela, Princess Diana, John Lewis, Cesar Chavez, James Baldwin and Dolores Huerta.”

ALWAYS THE WAY AT THE EPA: Years ago, the EPA, true to form screwed up a study that found dairy farms responsible for pollution in the Yakima Valley region of Washington state but still used it to force consent decrees and that shut down many farms. It covered up the fact that the science in the study was awful for close to a decade.
The “smoking gun” emails have finally come to light after years of fighting. The EPA is claiming statute of limitations. If they get away with that, it will set the precedent that they can cover stuff up and wait it out. Letting things slide will also allow activist groups to continue to press claims in court against farmers based on the flawed study.
Gerald Baron of Save Family Farming has more (the story gets worse the more you learn) at the Washington Times. Or you can read more at SFF’s site here.

CHECK OUT THE DEMS’ TAX BREAK FOR THE RICH: It has special relevance to New York, California and other deep blue states that are losing high-income residents at a rapid pace