Archive for 2020

WALL STREET JOURNAL: Voting With Their Guns: Urban unrest has sales soaring, especially among blacks.

There’s nothing like nationwide protests and a murder surge in major cities to cause a spurt of new gun sales. Gun controllers may want to rethink their 2020 strategy.

The FBI’s most recent gun-sale figures are stunning. They show that in July the bureau carried out 3.6 million background checks, the third highest month on record. Adjusting to reflect checks only for gun purchases, the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) says this translates to 1.8 million gun sales for July 2020—a 122% increase over July 2019. The 12,141,032 gun sales through this July is just shy of the 13,199,172 sales for all of 2019.

These record sales are best understood as a referendum on the riots, and the growing lack of confidence many Americans have that police will protect them. This is more than National Rifle Association spin.

Plenty of Democrats own guns, many of them the blue-collar Democrats who voted for Donald Trump in 2016 and whom Joe Biden hopes to woo back. Forty percent of first-time buyers are women. An NSSF survey of gun retailers reports that sales to black Americans are up 58.2% for the first six months of this year, the largest increase for any demographic group. . . .

But if police are reluctant to enforce current gun laws, as in New York City, what’s the point of new limits on gun ownership? The debate has also shifted from mass shootings to public safety, especially in big cities where gun violence is rampant. The larger lesson is that if liberals won’t control crime, expect more Americans to buy guns in self-defense.

But the political landscape has changed. First came Covid-19, which increased Americans’ concern for their safety. These fears escalated as the protests following the death of George Floyd at the hands of police turned violent. Americans saw police forces across the country unable to protect their cities against rioting mobs. One result is that gun sales have shot through the roof, with an estimated 40% of purchases this year going to first-time buyers.

Gun owners tend to vote Republican.

OPEN THREAD: Oh, it’s lonely at the bottom. Man, it’s dizzy at the top. But if you’re standing in the middle, ain’t no way you’re gonna stop.

GOD AND MAN AT CNN: CNN Tries to Shame the Daily Caller for Asking About Biden’s Catholicism, But It Backfires.

Par for the course for CNN, which has been anti traditional religion since its founding.

Earlier: Don Lemon: Let’s face it, Jesus Christ “admittedly was not perfect when he was here on the Earth.”

Ted Turner left the building long ago, but his leftwing anti-religious* bigotry lives on in a big way at CNN.

* Except one religion, curiously enough.


IT’S COME TO THIS: San Francisco restaurant turns to dome dining amid growing homelessness on streets.

For struggling restaurants, adding outdoor dining means facing a variety of elements on San Francisco streets — including the impact of the homelessness crisis that’s only worsened during the pandemic. In the case of one fine dining restaurant, it means enclosing diners in transparent geodesic domes on the plaza in front of its doors.

On Wednesday, Hashiri, a Michelin-starred Japanese restaurant, began seating diners inside these domes — structures covered in plastic that are sometimes employed by rooftop bars during winter in New York or Chicago known as garden igloos — for a $200-per-person kaiseki and omakase sushi dinner.

Hashiri attempted to seat diners outside once before during the pandemic, but manager Kenichiro Matsuura said the setting didn’t make it feasible. Hashiri is located in Mint Plaza, an area near Fifth and Mission streets where homeless people often congregate.

I’m pretty sure Get Smart wasn’t intended to be a how-to guide for fine-dining.


The prisons are full of people who do something violent in a “moment of madness.” And the cemeteries are full of their victims. These two were better prepared than most to act sensibly in the face of temptation, or should have been.