Archive for 2019

OH, TO BE IN ENGLAND: Putting the Thoughtpolice on Trial. “In January this year, Harry Miller, a 53-year-old docker and former police officer, was investigated by Humberside Police for retweeting a supposedly transphobic poem. Speaking to a police officer on the phone, Miller asked whether he had committed a crime, to which came the ominous response: ‘We need to check your thinking.’ His retweet had been reported as a ‘non-crime hate incident’ – essentially offensive speech or behaviour which police often investigate and record in cases where no crime has been committed. Previously unaware that Kafka and Orwell had written training manuals for police officers, Miller decided to bring a court case against the College of Policing, whose Hate Crime Operational Guidance (HCOG), issued in 2014, forms the basis of current practice.”

Earlier: British Cops, on the Lookout for Trolls, Ask Public to Report ‘Non-Crime Hate Incidents.’

Last year, when British cops were threatening social media critics after the NHS banished 23-month-old Alfie Evans to the Spartan hillside, British ex-pat Charles C.W. Cooke tweeted, “Michael Brendan Dougherty pointed out to me that police in the U.K. spend all their time on Twitter threatening people with jail time for frivolous things, and now I can’t stop seeing it.”

As a wise woman once wrote, “There’s no way to rule innocent men. The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren’t enough criminals one makes them.”

KRUISER’S MORNING BRIEF: Food Coma Friday Roundup. “President Trump has an extraordinary devotion to American troops. It is easy to see in his face in every interaction with them. He may come off as a cold New Yorker most of the time, but he has nothing but unrestrained love for those who put their lives on the line to defend liberty.”

I LOVE ALL THESE HONG KONGERS CARRYING PICTURES OF BARE-CHESTED TRUMP: ‘Rocky’ shock for China makes Trump Hong Kong hero. This is truly the most entertaining timeline.

UPDATE: From the comments: “Bare-Chested Hillary would not have been as effective.”

ANOTHER UPDATE: Also from the comments: “They keep telling me Trump has made America a laughingstock around the globe, but my eyes keep seeing just the opposite.” Isn’t it weird, though?

KURT SCHLICHTER’S new novel, Collapse, is now #1 in Political Fiction, and #157 overall on Amazon. Nice.

ANALYSIS: TRUE. China Proves It: Obama Really Was A Sap. “Remember when President Barack Obama was running around telling everyone how he’d convinced China to get serious about cutting its carbon dioxide emissions? A new report shows that Obama was easily duped.”

FLASHBACK: BLOOMBERG SAYS RAISING TAXES ON POOR PEOPLE IS A “GOOD THING.” “There’s just no question. If you raise taxes on full sugary drinks, for example, they will drink less and there’s just no question that full sugar drinks are one of the major contributors to obesity and obesity is one of the major contributors to heart disease and cancer and a variety of other things.”

We’re going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good, to coin a phrase.

KEN MASUGI: Who Will Terminate the Would-Be Terminators? “In both the impeachment inquiry and the investigation of President Trump’s tax records, House Democrats are using unconstitutional means toward anti-democratic ends.”

BREXIT HO! United Kingdom & Brexit Election Outlook.

Meanwhile, the Corbynization of Jeremy Corbyn’s party continues apace: Jewish candidate for UK Labour Party bombarded with anti-Semitic death threats.

And the hits just keep on coming: Footage emerges of Corbyn saying BBC ‘biased’ toward ‘Israel’s right to exist.’

That footage is from 2011. This is from Tuesday: Jeremy Corbyn just gave the worst political performance of modern times.

Of course, the real scoop on the UK elections is this:


TRUE, BUT THE STRIPPER BABY MAMA STORY IS PRETTY FUNNY, AND SO IS WATCHING THE PRESS DOWNPLAY IT BECAUSE HE’S A DEMOCRAT: Hunter Biden’s “stripper baby mama” isn’t a political story. Burisma is. And I don’t think the comparison to George W. Bush’s daughters fits. The Bush twins drank too much sometimes. They weren’t doing blow with strippers whom they impregnated while cheating on their brother’s widow.


DO YOU KNOW WHAT IT DOESN’T SAY SATIRE SHOULD BE, BEE? WELL IT SHOULDN’T BE FACTUAL, BEE:  Nation’s Progressives Give Thanks That They Have So Much To Be Angry About This Year.

Look, guys, I appreciate your hard hitting pieces as much as the next person, but when you set out to be a small, Christian satire journal and you become America’s paper of record, it pains me to say it, but you’re doing it as wrong as the New York Times, which claims to be reporting news while writing tawdry and predictable Marxist pulp fiction.