Archive for 2019

OPEN THREAD: Because I love you and want you to be happy.


Josh Harris, author of the bestselling 1997 book I Kissed Dating Goodbye, announced on Instagram Friday that he had kissed Christianity goodbye, as well. He is also divorcing his wife. In recent years, Harris has rightly repented of his extraordinarily stringent and slightly heretical teachings in the evangelical purity movement, but he seems to have thrown the baby out with the bathwater. Ironically, the evangelical ex-pastor went from preaching one worldly dogma dressed up in Christian garb to fully embracing another worldly dogma clearly opposed to Christianity.

“What is sin?”, a legendary community organizer was asked by a Chicago Sun-Times reporter covering religion-themed topics in 2004. He famously replied, “Being out of alignment with my values.” Or as the late Tom Wolfe wrote in his epochal 1976 article, “The ‘Me’ Decade and the Third Great Awakening,” “It is entirely possible that in the long run historians will regard the entire New Left experience as not so much a political as a religious episode wrapped in semi military gear and guerrilla talk.”


Protesters in Hong Kong defied orders to not demonstrate on Saturday, gathering to denounce the police and government in an area where pro-democracy activists were attacked last weekend.

Protesters swarmed a major road in the district of Yuen Long clutching umbrellas to shield themselves from police cameras and tear gas that was later used against them at various sites along the route of their march.

The rally stemmed from an attack last Sunday at a train station in Yuen Long that left dozens of locals and pro-democracy activists wounded. The masked assailants, who wore white shirts and carried clubs, are suspected of having ties to organized crime groups known as triads.

Michael Yon, who is in Hong Kong and has been all over this story, emailed us the following videos. Check his Facebook page for updates.


GREAT MOMENTS IN PROJECTION: CNN Anchor Victor Blackwell Seems to Think the Word ‘Infested’ Is Racist When Trump Says It.

Perhaps he should worry about cleaning up his own network, first. And as James Taranto memorably wrote, “The thing we adore about these dog-whistle kerfuffles is that the people who react to the whistle always assume it’s intended for somebody else. The whole point of the metaphor is that if you can hear the whistle, you’re the dog.”

JOHN HINDERAKER: The Left vs. Alan Dershowitz. “Among other things, Dershowitz points out the obvious difference between the hostile attitude toward him that results in printing provably false assertions with Jane Mayer’s recent sympathetic defense of Al Franken. The difference? Politics. The New Yorker has no integrity, and no one should take anything it publishes seriously.”

Well, when your “famous fact-checkers” are getting discredited by Jezebel . . . .

WATCHING FAKE NEWS BEING MADE IN REAL TIME: Reuters, CBS Run With Misleading Headline About Migrant Mother, Mexican Border Guard.

Both CBS and Reuters ran a photo of a Guatemalan migrant mother and a Mexican border guard, including a headline that didn’t quite tell the whole story.

Reuters published the photo with the headline, “Reuters photo captures Guatemalan mother begging soldier to let her enter US.

CBS ran a very similar headline with the Reuters photo, which was taken by photographer Jose Luis Gonzalez last Monday. “Dramatic photo captures migrant mom pleading with border guard as she tries to enter US with son,” the headline read.

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Nine paragraphs into the story, however, Reuters shed further light on the context of the situation by including comments from the National Guard and Jesus Ramirez, spokesman for Mexican President Manuel Lopez Obrador.

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Following the confrontation, Perez and her son were photographed moving toward the border in order to cross illegally, unhindered by the guard.

And Reuters are still issuing misleadingly labeled photos today. While this shot, unlike the carefully cropped photo mentioned above, includes the Mexican border guardsman’s uniform ID (at least you can now see there’s no US flag on his sleeve), there’s no information in the caption that describes the country he works for:

To be fair, this is far from the worst bit of fake photo journalism ever run under Reuters’ imprimatur — but it is par for the course from the “one man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter” wire service.

NEWS YOU CAN USE: Netflix Another Life? “Kill It With Fire,” Bryan Preston writes:

But in Another Life only [Katie] Sackhoff’s Niko and her AI sidekick (Samuel Anderson) are fit for this mission. The rest fill every negative millennial stereotype in the galaxy. They are whiny. They are grouchy. They scream obscenities at each other – all the time. They never fail to crack under the least amount of pressure. One is immediately mutinous. Another cannot ever think before opening their pie hole and saying things any rational adult knows they will immediately regret. Collectively, they perpetually can’t even.

But they’re sent out to save humanity anyway.

Skip the series and read the whole thing.

DON SURBER: Now Brexit begins. “The parallels between Johnson and President Donald John Trump are many because the situation is the same on both sides of the pond. The establishment failed us with their globalist nonsense in which we are to surrender our sovereignty to some international cabal of bureaucrats who never consider the consequences of their daft decisions. Jefferson wrote of the consent of the governed. The governed no longer consent to the globalist erasure of their national identity.”

Read the whole thing.

(Via Maggie’s Farm.)

EVERYTHING IS PROBLEMATICAL: Boston Globe Says Craft Beer Has ‘Too Many White Male Hipsters.’

The newest addition to the list of things that are being declared racist: beer companies.

A columnist for the Boston Globe, Shirley Leung, accused craft beer of being a “haven for white males,” in her newest piece titled, “Craft beer’s diversity problem: Too many white male hipsters.”

“Sadly, what counts as diversity in this industry is the clean-shaven minority mixing with the bearded majority,” Leung wrote. Beer companies have become “a haven for white males” according to Leung, because they “for decades courted male consumers with sexist TV ads featuring women in bikinis.”

Just think of the mainstream left as the mirror image of the fringe alt-right, and their racialism all makes sense.