Archive for 2019

YOU KNOW SOMETHING BIG IS STIRRING WHEN CHINA CAN’T STOP LEAKS: It’s been a bad couple of weeks for Beijing, thanks to leaks of classified documents detailing how to impose mass incarceration on the Uyghur Muslim minority, speeches by high-ranking government officials and the claims of an apparently defecting Chinese spy. Helen Raleigh of The Federalist adds up the damages and offers a warning to the U.S.

KRUISER’S MORNING BRIEF: Hey Democrats — It’s Too Late To House Train Crazy Joe the Wonder Veep. “If Biden were your uncle or grandfather, the family would be having a difficult but necessary conversation about getting him some full-time care. This guy needs a nurse, not priority access to weapons of mass destruction. He’s at the point where he probably shouldn’t even be trusted with metal utensils during meals.”

IS CASTRO ABOUT TO CALL IT QUITS? Former Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary Julian Castro laments of the Republicans that “there’s a certain element within that base that seems to love it when people are cruel to one another. And I don’t know why that is.” Where does that come from?

Most likely from the fact Castro is doubtful to qualify for the December 19 Democratic presidential debate in Los Angeles after missing the previous one. He’s nowhere in the polls and he’s failed to make any real difference in the flow of the campaign. So …

Remember Beto’s parting shots before he withdrew? Six weeks from his withdrawal, he said “Hell yes, we’re going to take away your AR-15.” Then a couple of weeks before the end, he threatened to jerk tax exemptions from churches that don’t support same-sex marriage. Saying something really radical in a last-ditch attempt to gain some saving traction didn’t work for Beto and isn’t likely to for Castro, either.


NASA’S SUPER GUPPY LIFTING ORION: NASA’s Super Guppy air transport arrives at the 179th Airlift Wing, Mansfield, Ohio. The 179th Airlift Wing is assisting the NASA Super Guppy in transporting parts of the Orion Space Project to Mansfield, where the parts can be transported by truck to the Glenn Research Center in Sandusky, Ohio. The Air National Guard photo was taken Nov. 24, 2019.

I HAD A POST YESTERDAY ON THE IDIOCY OF THE WAR ON PAIN PILLS, and there was a lot of interesting discussion in the comments. A Facebook friend who’s been facing severe pain for years and is now on a “forced taper” off of her medication sends this:

My fellow Chronic Pain Patients (CPP’s) want our voices heard from the highest rooftops, especially now that the unintended consequences of the war on Opioids, as every day, I read yet another person in my pain groups has committed suicide as when the pain is so dire, desperation kicks in & you’ll do whatever it takes to ease the pain.

I’m a Cradle Catholic so I would never hurt myself. But I see why others do. We CPP’s are treated like criminals by doctors & pharmacies (I.e., after getting all my prescriptions from CVS for 21 years, and they know my health history told me they will no longer fill opioids for me or anyone. The chain pharmacies are all doing this, so we have to go 1 1/2 hour round trip & $6 in tolls to a mom & pop pharmacy at least once a week), we’re lumped in with addicts.

CPP’s do not get “high” from opioids, but we can’t function or have any type of life while in intractable & unrelenting pain. Only 1.32% of opioid deaths are from people who get their prescriptions legitimately. I am terrified by this new doctor & where I live at the South Jersey Shore, we don’t have a lot of options. I am petrified over my forced-taper & also being forced to undergo injections & nerve blocks that I have had 19 injection procedures & the one Surgeon who did my Celiac Plexus block butchered me & made it worse, yet I told my new doctor & he said I had to get them all again or he won’t write for my Rx. He also won’t give me back my old prescription regiment that allowed me to live life outside of bed.

The war on pain pills is hysterical idiocy — like so much government policy.

PRIVACY: Now even the FBI is warning about your smart TV’s security. “Beyond the risk that your TV manufacturer and app developers may be listening and watching you, that television can also be a gateway for hackers to come into your home. A bad cyber actor may not be able to access your locked-down computer directly, but it is possible that your unsecured TV can give him or her an easy way in the backdoor through your router.”