Archive for 2019

FRUITS OF #METOO: Sad survey: 60% of male managers are “uncomfortable” working around women. and SurveyMonkey just released the results of a survey on the state of men and women interacting in the workplace in the age of #MeToo. The results are frustrating. The data reveals that 60% of male managers say they are uncomfortable performing common workplace activities such as mentoring, working one on one, or socializing with a woman. That’s a 32% increase over last year.

To add insult to insult, senior-level men who were surveyed are now far more hesitant to spend time with junior female colleagues than junior male ones, across a range of basic work activities. The men were 12 times more likely to hesitate to have one-on-one meetings, nine times more likely to hesitate to travel with a junior woman for work, and six times more likely to hesitate to have a work dinner with a junior woman.

Unexpectedly! More here:

But the steady stream of stories of harassment over the past few years seems to be confusing workers about how often harassment really happens. Equal numbers say that the frequency of harassment is increasing (22%) and decreasing (21%), and even more workers don’t know which way it’s going (24%).

On top of that, women feel less safe at work than they did before. Only 85% said they feel safe on the job, down from 91% last year. Media coverage that is intended to hold aggressors accountable also seems to create a sense of threat, and people don’t seem to feel like aggressors are held accountable.

Also unexpectedly.

ROGER SIMON: Biden Was Projecting When He Called Trump “Divider-in-Chief.”

As is becoming increasingly evident, the previous Democrat administration, of which Joe was a significant member, was up to its eyeballs in skullduggery, working through allies in the Department of Justice and the FBI (and the CIA and the State Department, apparently), to undermine the Trump presidency before it got started.  This gave rise to the Mueller probe that tarnished Trump with outrageous accusations of non-existent Russia collusion for over two years, an act of sabotage unprecedented in our history. Again not a word from Joe.

This was divisiveness taken to the nth power.  Yet Biden is advertising himself as the decent man of moderation, our new uniter-in-chief, who will cure all this  As if.

They’re gonna put you all back in chains!

EMERALD TRASH HEAP: Seattle is overwhelmed by garbage and filth, but the city’s leaders won’t admit it.

Seattle’s last Republican mayor left office in 1969.


“Racial tensions appear to be one manifestation of these internal battles.”

Meanwhile, the DOE has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on consultants to coach supervisors on how to “disrupt the power structure and dismantle institutional racism,” a supervisor said.

“There’s been a lot of discussion of white supremacy and how it manifests in the workplace, conversations about race, and looking at how the white culture behaves,” said a white executive who received the training.

“White supremacy is characterized by perfectionism, a belief in meritocracy, and the Protestant work ethic,” the exec said, adding that whites who object when accused of deep-rooted bias are called “fragile” and “defensive.”

“Can you imagine if we scrutinized blackness or brownness? We’re being trained in anti-bias not to stereotype blacks, but they’re fostering a stereotyping of whites.”

It’s like the mainstream left is the mirror image of the alt-right or something.


Mr. Trump is using the issue to rouse his base, including the crucial voting bloc of Christian conservatives for whom abortion is an overarching issue. His false statements that Democrats would “execute” newborn babies — which he has repeated on his Twitter feed, during his State of the Union address and at campaign rallies, sometimes as he mimics swaddling a baby — are being picked up and repeated by conservatives all over the country.”

Catch that description? That the President is making “false statements that Democrats would ‘execute’ newborn babies.”

And right there this story becomes a jewel of an example of left-wing journalism by omission, in this case from the New York Times.

Missing entirely from the article was the name of Virginia Democratic Governor Ralph Northam. It was Northam, appearing on a radio show, who stirred the hornets nest by saying this about aborting babies when the mother is in labor. The direct quote was this, as reported here at National Review Online:

“If a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen,” he continued. “The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.”

Here’s video of Northam uttering those words shortly before his medical school era blackface scandal erupted.

Speaking of the latter, as a Times headline noted in early April: ‘‘It Just Went Poof’: The Strange Aftermath of Virginia’s Cascade of Political Scandals.

The passive tense in the headline is telling. The Times can keep a story alive when it wants to, such as when the Gray Lady ran nearly 100 stories on the Augusta National Golf Club between 2001 and mid-2003. Similarly, the paper in Northam’s backyard ran approximately 100 stories in the fall of 2006 on George Allen’s “macaca” gaffe. The media’s selective amnesia on Northam’s blackface and endorsement of infanticide might lead a cynical person to conclude that they’re Democratic Party operatives with bylines, or something.

REBUILDING A CHURCH: “The rebuilding of Notre-Dame promises at least a decade of public battles, likely to polarize both sides in a battlefield that regards it as a historic monument of touristic significance on one side, and as a sacred place on the other. I am not an optimist, so I do not imagine either side being satisfied with the outcome.”

Read the whole thing.

JEFF CARTER: Big Tech’s Tragedy of the Commons. “As the onion is peeled, there are certain practices that tech companies engage in that would make any free market libertarian with no political ideology squeamish.”

OPEN THREAD: Express yourself.