Archive for 2018

HOW ABOUT THAT? Trump More Popular Than Obama Was At Same Point In Presidency:

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 50% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-nine percent (49%) disapprove.

This is the president’s highest job approval rating since mid-June of last year. President Obama earned 45% approval on this date in the second year of his presidency.

Weird, though, I seem to remember the press acting like everyone loved Obama in early 2010, and they don’t seem to be acting that way where Trump is concerned.

WHEN BROWARD COUNTY SHERIFF SCOTT ISRAEL WAS ACCUSED OF CORRUPTION, HE RESPONDED: ‘LIONS DON’T CARE ABOUT THE OPINIONS OF SHEEP.’ “Asked about the allegations, Israel responded, ‘What have I done differently than Don Shula or Abraham Lincoln or Martin Luther King, Ghandi?’…Given the appalling failures that took place at Israel’s office, the ‘sheep’ might like to ask the ‘lion’ some questions. Perhaps he could answer them in a less condescending and authoritarian fashion.”

AUTONOMY: The Cadillac CT6 review: Super Cruise is a game-changer. “Called Super Cruise, Cadillac’s new tech represents the best semi-autonomous system on the market. In fact, Super Cruise is so good, I think General Motors needs to do everything it can to add it to the company’s entire model range, post-haste.” Sounds a bit bossy to me.


Another war between Israel and Hezbollah is almost inevitable. Although neither side wants a conflict now, the shifting balance of power in the Levant and shrinking areas of contestation are indicators of a looming showdown. The real questions are how and where—not if—the impending conflagration will occur.


Since 2006, Israeli officials have repeatedly warned that in future conflicts they will follow the Dahiya Doctrine, named for Hezbollah’s stronghold in the southern Beirut suburbs near Beirut–Rafik Hariri International Airport, which was devastated by Israeli bombing in the last war. According to Gadi Eizenkot, the Israel Defense Forces chief of staff, in the next conflict the IDF will follow these same rules of engagement but across a broader landscape.

It’s on The Brookings Institution’s blog. Good read.

THERE’S AN IMMIGRATION POINT HERE: You Can’t Have Denmark Without The Danes. “Danish social cohesion works great for Danes. It’s not so great, though, at doing another thing modern advanced economies need: Absorbing outsiders.”

Plus: “Lots of countries with generous welfare systems aren’t particularly trusting, for example, and those systems produce all the dire effects American conservatives warn about. And as Bjornskov suggests, low corruption distinguished Scandanavian societies centuries ago. That’s a trait that may go all the way back to the Vikings.”

Also: “If you’re used to reporting on U.S. business and government, it’s eerie to hear people talk like that. The only other time I’ve had a similar experience was when I talked to people in Utah.”


WHERE’S MY FLYING CAR, DAMMIT?: Uber appears to be taking the lead in *actually making this happen* with Uber Elevate.