Archive for 2018

DISPATCHES FROM THE EDUCATION APOCALYPSE: “A new Baylor University study has discovered that Chief Diversity Officers — who are typically paid upwards of $180,000 — are ineffective at one of their major job responsibilities: increasing diversity among faculty and administrators.”

THE PATRIARCHY PARADOX: How Equality Reinforces Stereotypes. “The more gender equality in a country, the greater the difference in the way men and women think. It could be called the patriarchy paradox. Two new studies have again demonstrated this counterintuitive result, meaning that it is now one of the best-established findings in psychology, even if no one can properly explain it.”

RICHARD FERNANDEZ: SEVENTEEN YEARS LATER: “The world is now in the post-Obama phase of the response to 9/11 with no clear outcome in sight. What is clear is that immigration controversies are fueling what Anne Applebaum calls a rejection of Democracy across the West or a cold civil war depending on your point of view. Worse, surveillance technology has made Big Silicon, once the liberal bastion of the ‘digital frontier’, into Big Brother, the enforcer of hate speech rules and arbiter of truth which has added an element of paranoia to the mix. The video of Google employees vowing never to allow something like Hillary’s defeat to occur again illustrates shows the suddenness with which the civilization’s tools can be turned against it. The ease with which instruments of surveillance and censorship can be directed at the Deplorables instead of al-Qaeda was recently brought home by a video showing a senior Google official vowing to “use the great strength and resources and reach we have to continue to advance really important values”. The unspoken agreement on values at the Google all-hands meeting is a reminder of how easily groupthink can become what Scott Adams called the ‘casual evil’ of self-righteousness.”

GREAT MOMENTS IN INTERSECTIONALITY: Anne Hathaway denounces white privilege in award speech.

“You guys just gave me my heart back,” Hathaway gushed.

Then, speaking to the ladies, gentlemen and “gentlethem” in the crowd, Hathaway denounced white, straight and cisgender privilege.

“It is important to acknowledge with the exception of being a cisgender male, everything about how I was born has put me at the current center of a damaging and widely-accepted myth,” she said.

“That myth is that gayness orbits around straightness, transgender orbits around cisgender, and that all races orbit around whiteness.”

Hathaway explained that it was when she spent time with the LGBTQ community – her older brother is gay – that she learned to reject this myth.

“I appreciate this community because together we are not going to just question this myth, we are going to destroy it,” she told the crowd.

“Let’s tear this world apart and build a better one.”

Based on the number of statues toppled and conservative politicians and their supporters attacked, I’d say the “tearing the world apart” phase for Hathaway’s fellow leftists is continuing apace.


Ironically, the substance of Title IX, 20 U.S.C. § 1681(a), itself is short and to the point.

No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.

Five words have created an industry and expectation that this sentence entitles co-eds to a sword wielded by their college to cut down anything and anyone whose actions, or inactions, fail to vindicate their every emotional hurt. And they have good reason to do so, as that’s how the Department of Education, Office of Civil Rights, interpreted those five words.

This was done by the very deliberate unilateral fiat of OCR bureaucrats during the Obama Administration, who pursued a series of lies (which became truths in the minds of the afflicted) and cures for those lies based upon a series of “Dear Colleague” letters and explanatory notes whose sole purpose was to compel and foregone conclusion that female students would have a means by which to vindicate their every emotional sexualized harm at the hands of male students.

If this characterization seems severe, it is. It’s meant to be. Catherine Lhamon has won. On the most superficial level, the new regs may have relieved colleges from Lhamon’s mandate, upon unlawful threat of withholding federal funds, that they provide a mechanism to vindicate every hurt feelings suffered by a college woman by making Lhamon’s demands permissive rather than mandatory, but they keep the existence of a mechanism intact, they permit colleges to continue to deprive male students of due process, both directly and by allowing means of circumvention of basic protections. And, truth be told, even if they required the provision of due process protections in every instance, would still fail to provide a mechanism that wouldn’t grossly favor the accusers.

But the details of adjudication notwithstanding, they keep colleges in the business of sex policing individual students’ grievances. This was the pseudo-Amazonian utopia Lhamnon, and her spiritual guide, Catherine McKinnon, whose career has been devoted to recreating the relative power structure between men and women.

End it, don’t mend it. But there’s only so much Betsy DeVos can do on her own.

THEY WERE WORKING WITH A TON OF MEAT, AND THEY WERE NOT ARMED: Jackson Elk Hunting Guide And Client Attacked By Bears, Guide Found Deceased. Now that predators aren’t scared of people, it’s a good idea to always have at least a sizable handgun on your person when in the wild. And, of course, when in close proximity to lots of meat, well . . . .

SCRAPPLEFACE: ‘We Lost Bob’: Woodward Now Trump-Collusion Denier.

‘Fear’ author Bob Woodward has become part of the conspiracy to conceal the collusion with Russia that won the presidency for Donald Trump.

That’s the inescapable conclusion of professional journalists and their Democrats upon hearing the famed Watergate reporter tell radio host Hugh Hewitt that, during his two year probe of the Trump administration, he “looked for it hard” but found no evidence that Trump’s campaign worked together with Russians to tilt the election result in his favor.

“We lost Bob,” said one crestfallen Washington Post reporter who requested anonymity to avoid accountability. “The icon of six generations of political reporters has fallen. He’s just a liar like Trump now. The great Bob Woodward was part of the conspiracy to defeat Hillary Clinton, and to end democracy as we know it.”

It’s satire, but considering the way that All the President’s Juicebox Mafia turned on Woodward in 2013 under the orders of the Obama White House because he reported that the budget sequester was the Democrats’ idea, is it really?

NEW SOCIALIST “IT GIRL” CONTINUES TO PAY DIVIDENDS: In the world of socialist fashion, anonymous identical Mao suits are out for high ranking Inner Party bureaucrats. The new hotness? “Get used to me slaying lewks” in $2,880 designer outfits and $625 shoes.

It’s rather bad form for any socialist to get too close to the word “slaying.” It brings back many unfortunate memories that proponents of socialism would prefer to leave undiscussed.

A “PROGRESSIVE WAVE” OR “BLACK AND HISPANIC DEMOCRATS WON’T VOTE FOR WHITE LIBERALS RUNNING AGAINST A BLACK OR HISPANIC CANDIDATE?”: Josh Kraushaar: Identity, Not Ideology, Driving the Democratic Party. Or why did white progressive Cynthia Nixon run poorly against Andrew Cuomo, while black and Hispanic challengers to white incumbents have done so well?


LEFTISM IS STUPID AND EVIL: ‘Anti-Imperialism’ and Apologetics for Murder.

A consistent feature of the British socialist Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour Party has been support for Islamists and Third World dictators. Corbyn himself has dined with his “friends” in Hamas and Hezbollah, and saluted the Venezuelan strongman Nicolas Maduro. Andrew Murray, one of his consultants, is a sympathiser with the Juche regime in North Korea. Yasmine Dar, a member of Labour’s National Executive Committee, is an admirer of the Ayatollah Khomeini. Chris Williamson MP, Corbyn’s longtime supporter and friend, is a big fan of the Castroite regime in Cuba. And Seumas Milne, Corbyn’s Director of Strategy and Communications, was formerly a Guardian columnist, of whom the leftist commentator Brian Whitaker once wrote:

“[Milne] views international politics almost entirely through an anti-imperialist lens. That, in turn, leads to a sympathetic view of those dictatorial regimes which characterise themselves as anti-imperialist. It’s the same with Islamist movements where they oppose Western-backed regimes…”

To understand this curious phenomenon it is necessary to return to the West after World War Two.

This idiocy has permeated the culture to the point where “space colony” is considered a racist term by leftists.