Archive for 2017

RETAIL BLUES: Sears, Kmart to close 43 more stores.

“It is obvious that we don’t make decisions to close stores lightly. Our efforts have been, and will continue to be, fact-based, thoughtful and disciplined, with the goal of making Sears Holdings more relevant and more competitive for our members and other constituents.”

The new closures include four Kmarts in Florida and three in Ohio, and three Sears locations in Indiana. (See the full list.)

Sears is one of many retail giants struggling to find its footing, or simply survive, amid a landscape dramatically transformed by a shift to online shopping and rise of Amazon.

J.C. Penney has said it will shutter 138 locations, roughly 14% of its stores, and give buyouts to 6,000 employees. Macy’s plans to shut 68 stores. Radio Shack, which has sought bankruptcy protection twice in two years, has closed more than 1,000 locations since Memorial Day weekend. And one-time mall favorites Bebe, The Limited, and Wet Seal have closed or are in the process of shuttering all of their storefronts.

“Mall favorites” sounds incredibly dated.


Man, Jezebel morphed into Stormfront so slowly, I hardly even noticed. Why are Democrat-controlled Websites such cesspits of anti-miscegenist racism?

Or as Rod Dreher wrote in February, “I don’t believe the alt-right’s view of the world any more than I believe the [DNC-MSM-Hollywood-Academia] Cathedral’s. If the alt-right’s racist ideas are going to gain ground in American politics, they aren’t going to do it through my agency. But here’s what the Cathedral left needs to know: you aren’t going to be able to count on conservative people like me to help you oppose the alt-right, because you are their ‘respectable’ left-wing mirror image.”

Though it is fascinating (in watching a car-wreck sort of way) watching “Progressivism” return to its racist roots of a century ago.


‘GOTTA be sh*tting me’! Chris Hayes defends poor CNN against ‘flat-out mob intimidation’… CNN would know ALL ABOUT mob intimidation.

Twitchy, today.

MSNBC Promo: ‘Love for the Constitution’ Is Reason We Knock Trump.

NewsBusters, last night.

Past performance really is no guarantee of future results at MSNBC!

● Flashback: MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell Spews Hate at James Madison, Father of the Constitution.

NewsBusters, December 18, 2013.

● Flashback: Lawrence O’Donnell: ‘I Am A Socialist. I Live To The Extreme Left Of Mere Liberals.’

NewsBusters, November 5, 2010.

● Flashback: [Brian Williams and Andrea Mitchell] Animated by View U.S. Presidents Were “Terrorists.”

—The Media Research Center, July 5, 2005.

GOP Rep. Gives Al Sharpton a Constitutional Lesson During On-Air Battle — But Was He Right?
The Blaze, September 20, 2013. (Hint: yes.)

● Exit quote:


For many historians, the Polish-born pope’s Mass in Victory Square, more than anything else, set in motion the events that led to the fall of the Berlin Wall a decade later and the dissolution of the Soviet Union soon thereafter. The people in attendance knew exactly what President Trump meant when he spoke of how the millions of Poles attending that Mass “did not ask for wealth. They did not ask for privilege. Instead, one million Poles sang three simple words: ‘We want God.’”

But I wasn’t in the audience; I was watching it on TV and following Twitter’s response to the speech. It was remarkable how many people immediately assumed Trump was talking crazy or just making stuff up (I am paraphrasing very charitably here).

I understand that response. Trump often does say crazy things. He does make stuff up — but usually not in prepared texts at big events.

It struck me how a lot of our political polarization is fueled by plain old ignorance.

* * * * * * * *

It is a common human foible to think you know more than you do and to assume that when someone, particularly someone you don’t like, says something you don’t understand that the fault must be in the speaker, not the listener. “It’s a universal law — intolerance is the first sign of an inadequate education,” observed Alexander Solzhenitsyn. “An ill-educated person behaves with arrogant impatience, whereas truly profound education breeds humility.”

Read the whole thing.